Imagine Steam for IPad that can happen but maybe play some games like errr World Of Goo, Dirt, Command And Conquer etc.
Games that wont work for sure are FPS games But it would be cool if Steam was for IPad wouldn’t you think so?
No, because the iPad is a piece of shit in comparison to other similar products on the market.
Also the picture you posted isn’t an iPad.
Having Steam on the iPad would be a violation of the apple TOS. The iphone/ipad development requirements set in place by apple are kinda absurd. Also it wouldn’t work due to the fact the ipad isn’t an x86 processor.
Steam? iPad? That’s like Penises and Tampons. Doesn’t work.
Well actually…
I would kill myself if Valve did that.
I’d love it
Don’t worry you don’t have to kill yourself nothing interesting will ever be ported to the ipad.
Its silly for anyone to buy in Ipad in the first place, let alone use steam on it. :meh:
pulls out a wooden baseball bat
C’mere, you…And hold still.
Since the iPad can’t multitask well, if you run Steam…
Please stop using the internet.
Haha defiantly.
Yes, he is quite defiant.
I’m trying… I’m trying… Nope, too absurd for me to imagine.
He wrote it so badly even autocorrect couldn’t properly guess what he was going for.
ITT: clueless people from both sides of the battlefield.