I hope it would come out for PC “someday”.
dont hold your breath
I want to say that a PC port of this game would be nice, but you guys might take it the wrong way.
More PC ports of Halo at this point are as likely as the Uncharted games going to Xbox 360.
Though, since this is a new trilogy, there may be a glimmer of hope.
When I say glimmer I mean a pinhole in a cave
First episode of Spartan Ops. Minor spoiler warning, since it takes place 6 months after the campaign.
That CG is impressive. Some of the animation is a bit stiff though.
GO TO 7:40
this is all i have to say: [color=magenta]VOLDEMORT IN A NANO SUIT!!11!!11!!![/size]
^Note, massive spoilers obviously
so, halo 4 is like a series reset or something?
what happened in halo 3? did they destroy the zerg with those big mass effect portals?
Hey, I thought his joke was funny.
They wiped out all the Gorons from existence by loading the USS Enterprise with black market Krogan testicles and sending it through a Combine superportal.
but only half of the enterprise made it through. The Half that contained Robocop.
Whelp… I won’t have the game today (day 1)
But for the fuck of it, let’s share gamertags for future reference! I’m Xalener. Ya’lls turn.
But then, what about the Superman/Power Rangers subplot? Did they ever conclude that? Were the Dragon Balls ever recovered? And what happened to Marcus Pheonix?
I don’t even have a gamertag, actually.
Yeowch. Looks like Halo 4 is getting thrashed in the user scores.
People always do that on big profile game releases. It’s just their way of screaming for attention.
Or trying to be hipsters/cool by virtue of hating anything mainstream.
Or 4chan…
Sure, but read em. They’re getting thrashed, yeah. With pillows.
Half of those 0s are “DIS IS COD LOLOL” and aren’t even really reviews.