I didn't read the FAQ

Kleiner will be the injured scientist who Eli is “afraid to move”.

Kleiner is the one waiting for you with a shotgun at the end of lambda complex, right before you get teleported to earth…

No, he fucking isn’t. For one, you can kill that particular scientist, for another, Marc Laidlaw (Do you even know who he is?) himself stated that Kleiner was the injured scientist, even though in the original, they used the Einstein model. It’s called a retcon, and the scene in HL2 where Kleiner used the shotgun was just a reference.

I always thought this was him:

Because in Half-Life 2, after your teleportation from Nova Prospekt, he’s doing something similar as the scientist in that picture: poking his head through a door in his lab while holding a shotgun.

Read the post right above yours. Srsly.

That doesn’t make you any less wrong.

At one point there was a calling in the Community Projects area for prototype drawings of D0g. Unless they’ve removed that too (which I consider pretty likely), it will be the only appearance of a character from HL2 that wasn’t in HL.

For a long time I thought that, in that scene, Eli says, “I’m afraid to move him and all our bones are out!” To which I responded, “What the hell does that mean? He has Bonus Eruptus?”

lol I didn’t knew Half-Life already has ragdolls. :stuck_out_tongue:

“can’t talk now honey I’m on the bone” “Ow I think I broke one of the phones in my arm” gotta love miscommunication, it makes everyones day just a little bit brighter.

you know spanish translated lines were even worst, no emotion no good actors…

this is what they say when he gets injured in our version:

scream of getting hurt ‘‘Damn I knew this would happen, I knew it. We overcharged it. Gordon, You must go up there and find some help, I will be here looking after him. You will need me to get out of this room.’’

Go fuck yourself on only one of those nos.

The borealis idea is awesome.

I fucking lol’d

Did anyone else notice this?!



No, xalener did.

Maybe also a smaller version of DOG, since he built him to protect
Well he not only developed that to protect her from the combine, but it’s head is a city scanner which were introduced by the combine.

Maybe a similar “Singing Vortigaunt” Could be found in a secret chamber on Xen?
The vortigaunts in the factory are harmless at first when there is no administration around, so that could possibly work.

Multiple Kinds of Headcrabs
I think it would be awesome to see alternate species on xen (non-combatable) like flora and small animals and stuff. I just doubt they would create a bunch of models this close to release.

References to the Borealis, GlaDDOs, and other Aperture Science related things? Such as in charts, graphs, newspapers, news reports, and in conversations?
It would be cool to see a hidden reference to something like that.

Well, the once the Nihilanth was dead, the combine finally had the upper hand, and took over Xen after the events of Hl1. Then, Xen creatures escaped into our world for a retreat. Without the events at Black Mesa opening the border world, the Combine would have never attacked earth.

The combine didn’t take over Xen. Gman’s ‘Group’ did.

I still believe that the Gman, in a rather unorthodox way, is on the side of Earth (or at least Gordon Freeman) and brought Gordon out of stasis to fight the Combine. Perhaps he’s like Q from Star Trek, there to help push humanity into the future whether we think we’re ready for it or not.

Once Nihilanth was killed, that created portal storms on Earth, evidently through the connection with Black Mesa, which alerted the Combine to Earth’s existence…and potential for resource-grabbing in both the flora and fauna of Earth (fauna mainly being humans).

What gets me about the Gman is the apparent disconnect between two of the stories. The Gman claims that he plucked Alyx from Black Mesa, but Eli claims that the family picture and Alyx were the only things he was able to save from the facility. Perhaps the Gman saved Alyx from certain death and deposited her in Eli’s care… Who knows?

To be honest, I don’t think Eli would be so very against the gman… I mean he even thought the gman started the black mesa incident!

“Prepare for unforeseen consequences it was whispered in my ear right before… (something I don’t remember)” If he mentioned that to Gordon, he might even told Gordon about “That time Alyx got rescued by the gman when she was 5-years old”.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.