I didn't read the FAQ

What if on a screen after the incident, you saw Eli escaping with Alyx and the photo? Or maybe in the halls as you were entering, you saw a baby Alyx holding Eli’s hand. Of course, they’d be a lot younger, and Eli would have his other leg. Maybe also a smaller version of DOG, since he built him to protect Alyx when she was young, and she had been adding to him ever since.
Or Gruesome you find Azian’s (Eli’s Wife) corpse?

Other Things

Maybe a similar “Singing Vortigaunt” Could be found in a secret chamber on Xen?
Dr. Breen walking the halways, Whistling?
Maybe occasional Combine Advisor appearances in the world of Xen?
Actual landmarks from the Mojave Desert appearing once you get to the New Mexican overworld?
Multiple Kinds of Headcrabs
References to the Borealis, GlaDDOs, and other Aperture Science related things? Such as in charts, graphs, newspapers, news reports, and in conversations?

None of that was in the original game, so I’d guess not.

“What if on a screen after the incident, you saw Eli escaping with Alyx and the photo?”
Alyx was saved by the Gman, as referenced in Ep 2.

“Or maybe in the halls as you were entering, you saw a baby Alyx holding Eli’s hand. Of course, they’d be a lot younger, and Eli would have his other leg.”
Eli has his other leg in BM, but Alyx was not in Half Life, so she almost definitely won’t be in this.

“Maybe also a smaller version of DOG, since he built him to protect Alyx when she was young, and she had been adding to him ever since.”
No. Eli built D0G to protect Alyx from the Combine.

“Or Gruesome you find Azian’s (Eli’s Wife) corpse?”
She would have been living in the dorms, which you don’t visit, so probably not.

“Maybe a similar “Singing Vortigaunt” Could be found in a secret chamber on Xen?”
Possible, though Vorts are hostile in HL1, so unlikely.

“Dr. Breen walking the halways, Whistling?”
Breen wasn’t seen in the first game to add a bit of mystery to his character, so no.

“Maybe occasional Combine Advisor appearances in the world of Xen?”
NO. The Combine is introduced in Half-Life 2, not 1. Adding even more powerful beings would mess up the story beyond belief.

“Actual landmarks from the Mojave Desert appearing once you get to the New Mexican overworld?”
Possibly, though Black Mesa is at an undisclosed location.


“Multiple Kinds of Headcrabs”
I believe the Poison and Fast variants were created/modified by the Combine, so no.

“References to the Borealis, GlaDDOs, and other Aperture Science related things? Such as in charts, graphs, newspapers, news reports, and in conversations?”
Possibly. I like the idea of seeing a newspaper with “Borealis: GONE!” or something like that, maybe slideshows or something, but nothing too intense.

Dog didn’t exist until the Combine were hanging around for a while. Why would Eli build his infant daughter a protecto-bot when there was nothing sinister to protect her from?

There’s also the fact that this late in the development, all this extra stuff would have to be designed, modeled, textured, coded…and when you’re at the end (hopefully) of making a game, you really just want to finish what you’ve got, and not throw things in at the last second.

Maybe you see his long lost brother, Lance :stuck_out_tongue:

Lance Vance!

Actually, in HL1, on Xen, the vorts don’t have to attack you if you play on hard mode. But if you attack them first, then they have no choice but to defend themselves.

Rename this thread to “I didn’t read the FAQ.”

Did I miss something? I can’t remember vortigaunts not attacking me first on hard mode.

The Vorts on Xen only attack first if there is an Alien Grunt or Controller around to command them to attack you first. Otherwise they are quite docile.

And the Combine have NEVER been to Xen. No synths, no advisers, nothing.

There are suspected antlion thumpers, but they are made with Xenian tech, not Combine tech.

you won’t see an advisor on Xen 'cause Xen borderworld is a place that Nihilianth used to hide himself from ‘‘Them.’’ Possibly, The Combine. The vorts were his slaves and they also went to hide with their ‘‘master.’’ From The Combine. The fact that the Alien Grunts were getting build seems the typical combine synth transformation but there were no seen Combine in Xen anyways.

do want

No. No, no, no. No. No. To all of this: no.

Every single one of these ideas is a bad one. I don’t like bashing on new people, but very few of them don’t post something this dumb.
Where did this huge flood of newbies come from?

YAY! No wait… He died in the mid 80’s.



Pretty much this.

If we were to consider this sort of thing, we’d do it much earlier. Of course, in early development the Episodes weren’t out, so we had less reference material.


“What if on a screen after the incident, you saw Eli escaping with Alyx and the photo?”
Alyx was saved by the Gman, as referenced in Ep 2.

But Eli says “That photo and Alyx were the only things I managed to carry out of Black Mesa that day”. So presumably, the G-Man saved her before or after Ei carried her out.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.