Hey guys,
For my university course, I am studying the way that half-life deals with cutscenes, for my dissertation. Please get involved in the following discussion and see where it leads (discussion not strictly questionnaire) Thanks!
silent treatment
In the half-life series, the player character, "Gordon Freeman’ doesn’t talk, the camera never turns to see the player and the game never splits into a cut-scene.
Some games make a distinction between ‘story line’ moments and ‘action’ moments. How does losing control of your character during ‘story line’ moments affect your view of the ‘story line’ part of the game?
In contrast, half-life deals with story by allowing you to always control your character from first-person, during every part of the game, How does this freedom make you feel?
Gordon freeman famously doesn’t speak. Do you feel like this allows your to transplant your own personality and internal voice onto the character, or do you feel like it makes the story lack clarity and make it frustrating?