Quick, look under your chair!


I don’t approve of this post.

The video was also stupid.

Still don’t believe 'twas a prank.

That last part was a lie.

But what about Halo 5? I wanted to know about Halo 5. God damnit.

Halo 3 pc confirmed

Where’s my gunman chronicles 2?!

Grand Theft Auto: Black Mesa Stories confirmed.

You star as a barney fired the day of the Black Mesa incident and decide to take it out on the people who wronged you. (If this anti-mass spectrometer is rockin’, don’t come a-knockin’.)

Oh, it turns out the Black Mesa team never actually intended on doing the Xen chapters.
I guess that explains the name Black Mesa.

I feel as though a Xen expansion should be called Xen Odyssey, though I have never seen the name before nor heard it suggested.

This just in! Half Life 3 Ricochet 2 edition will be a free to play pay to win ad supported occulus rift online-only third person iOS exclusive CoD style action game with new DLC maps and achievments every few months (Valve time)

gaben: our top scientists at steam store said “its gonna bring in tons of cash”

If Gordon gets a voice, the voice actor must be nobody else than Ross Scott

As a quiet man roughly Gordon’s age, with glasses and a golden voice, doing nuclear physics for the government, I believe I should be given at least a chance to audition.


No, because Gordon will be voiced by Mr. T


Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.