Half-Life 3 code found within a recent DOTA 2 UGC update

Before I start this thread. I would like to mention that this thread is not a joke or a hoax. DO NOT FLAME POST! [/size]


According the original poster on Neogaf - he’s always looking through the latest DOTA & TF2 updates for reference to Source 2. However, when he came across this file - he saw this.

When I saw this I was skeptical to say the least. So I decided to free-up my bandwidth for an hour and download ‘DOTA 2 Test’. I opened up model_editor.dll in Notepad, Notepad++, and Reshack to confirm this myself. But I did it in realtime, rather than just hit print screen. Here’s the link to the YouTube Video I made. If you don’t want to watch it - I’ll just sum it up for you. It’s there, and this is REAL! [/size]Comparing this to the HL2 Leaked Beta batch files - the parameters are nearly the same. Except, the difference is; the batch files call HL2.EXE, then specify additional engine commands. Here, it appears that - whatever this is (placed intentionally or not), is actually calling the game engine first, [/i]rather than the executable for the game that then executes the game engine with it’s content specified.

It’s logical to assume that the next Half-Life game will be shipped on Source 2. Why? A couple reasons. Every new engine Valve has ever made, has been shipped first and exclusively to Half-Life. Now, to be fair - there’s only two game engines Valve has ever shipped. Those being, (of course) Goldsrc, and Source. However, since Gabe confirmed a while ago that programming for Source 2 was done… completely (I’m sure what he meant at the time was that they’d reached hit their ‘Gold’ build. Since the video of him confirming Source 2 was done - I’m sure Valve has already implemented plenty of hotfixes.) and that they “…just need a game to ship it [Source 2] with.” Since it’s always been HL in the past - it’s logical to assume that it would be HL again.

What everyone should take away from this

[/size]1. Just because this references ‘hl3’ does not mean you should assume Half-Life 3 is confirmed. [/size] [/size]

  1. What we can assume, however, is that Source 2 will likely be it’s own client (or be directly integrated into Steam)[/size].[/size] Meaning you start-up Source 2, then select the game you want to play. [/size]
  2. Since this reference is found in the current implementation of Source - it’s likely that Valve is porting games over to Source 2[/size]
    Anyways, please share your thoughts on this as I’m as curious to hear theories of others as much as I like to make my own :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Interesting find. What would be the point in launching Source 2 and then launching a desired game? The Steam overlay wouldn’t update to display which Source 2 game you were playing without modifications to the overlay, and having to load the engine build first could potentially be inefficient with regards to loading resources a given game may not necessarily need. On the plus side, there would be less executables.

Maybe I’m just not thinking outside the Orange Box, though.

I thought it deserved mentioning. Especially with Valves press conference about 'The Future of Gaming and Graphics" coming up within the next month (I believe). Which makes things even more suspicious since Valve isn’t known for hosting events.

Exactly. For all we know this could mean… well the line segment is 19247. If you alter the + and -'s of that number (meaning - 1-9+2-4+7) you end up with -3. For all we know this could be Valve telling us ‘Half-Life 3 canceled’. But hey! It’s just a fucking a joke :wink:


I kind of hope that, if they are porting games over, they also spend a good while debugging and polishing Left 4 Dead 2 (unlikely as it is), both for Source and Source 2. There are so many bugs, quirks, and just general imperfections that drive me up the goddamn wall.

also full body awareness plsHaving said that, I’m confused by your description. It sounds to me like Source 2 looks as if it’ll launch the engine, then call the “-game” parameter to determine what to launch… The thing is, that’s exactly how Source (and even GoldSrc) works. The process for CSS is hl2.exe, even though it’s stored in a different folder. Am I missing something here?

Defaults to Ep3, then you can select mods via the custom game menu?

Nah, it’s probably just the same way Source handles content mounting.

I still miss the WON HL custom games menu, though. :frowning: [/size]

haven’t they been finding vague reference to Episode 3 in random game files for a while now? I remember one from when Alien Swarm first came out.

Yeah, that’s true. Portal 2’s Hammer configuration (.FGD file) had an “npc_combine_advisor_roaming” in it that was patched out (distinct from the entity used in Ep1 or 2), and in the .VPK cache there were (at some point) choreography files for Magnusson.

They have. For a while now. I remember when Dota 2 came out, how there was references to ‘ep3’ and if you decompiled the certain .dll’s the files listed 5 weapons “ep3/weapon_icegun.cpp” “ep3/weapon_cream” “/ep3/weaponizer_concrete.cpp” “/ep3/weaponizer_liquid.cpp” “/ep3/weaponizer_metal.cpp” and “ep3/weapon_flamthrower”. The difference with this is; this is the first time that the internal Valve files have EVER referenced Half Life 3

So… any confirmation so far that this is a hoax… or we are free to feel the itch?

What do you mean by hoax? Like, whether or not the string is real?

I’ve gone looking for it myself (Buzz’s video doesn’t load for me for some reason), so unless Valve patched it out (I uninstalled it because I don’t actually play DoTA2) it should still be there. It’s not a hoax in that regard.

If by hoax you mean, “Is Valve trolling us”, I don’t think anyone besides Valve can answer that. While I’m not getting my hopes up about any imminent announcements or anything, I don’t doubt that they’re actually working on HL3. Whether or not they’re working fast is another matter :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe they just did. I noticed that Valve pushed a 2 meg update for DOTA 2 today, and now I can’t even find ‘model_editor.dll’. Even in the VPK cache. That kind of leads me to believe that the entire file was put in DOTA 2 by accident.

It’s been confirmed to be real… Not just by me, but multiple people. Also I just looked at my YouTube account, and my video has been stuck on “99% processing” this whole time -_-. I’m reuploading it as we speak. Link will be fixed when it’s done. Anyways…
[align=center]‘hl3’ indeed WAS referenced in DOTA 2’s UGA tools!
Feel the itch my friend. FEEL THAT ITCH ONCE AGAIN![/size]
As I said above though, don’t get too excited. Duke Nukem Forever (which obviously was supposed to mean ‘stuck in development… forever’ came out before HL3. So don’t get your hopes up… But I can’t help myself! Especially with the Valve hosted press-conference coming in less than a month!

Maybe the time finally has come for Gordon to…
[align=center]Wake up, Mr. Freeman… Wake up and… smell the ashes…


So is there going to be a live stream of the press-conference or something?

Go HL3!!!

Come to think of it, what are the details around this press conference? A quick google search is coming up empty.

I’ve searched quite a lot for the Valve press-conference 2015,
didn’t get much info, besides some sites saying would or wouldn’t there be one
in 2015 (take note that all these sites posted this in 2014, so it might be just speculations)
But as for any details about it, nothing.
So i’m guessing it would be a private conference for employees, third-party companies
and other co-workers.

My understanding is that they’re purposely not live-streaming it. However, journalists and the works will be there for sure.

It’s not a press conference, it’s a panel about high performance graphics presented by Valve. There’s absolutely no guarantee Valve is going to announce anything new at that panel.


It’s about ‘High-Performance Graphics’ and ‘The Future of Gaming’ - let’s read into what that means, shall we? The best game engine (in terms of graphics at the moment) is Crytek 3. Not question. Valve isn’t going to show off another companies engine at THEIR own event. So that rules that out.

Second, Source can’t beat Crytek. It’s code is too old, and you can even find remnants of IdTech2 (at least according to John Carmack) in every game that runs Source. Granted - the code is scattered - but Carmack said that there was no mistaking it for something else. There are TWO files left in Source that can can be found in Quake 2. Anyways - my point is, they’re enot going to be using the Source engine to show off ‘High performance graphics’.

So what engine then? Well… the only logical thing to assume is Source 2. And what game has ALWAYS been used to display new engine technology by Valve? Half-Life.

I get your logic, and I don’t think it’s necessarily an incorrect conclusion to draw, but I still wouldn’t get too excited. Remember how those first alleged Source 2 screenshots were an updated version of the Plantation House from L4D2? If they do show off Source 2 (which I don’t think is unlikely), they might just use more of that - Source games ported and enhanced for the new engine.

There have been so many rumoured HL3/EP3 announcements over the years, I’m not holding my breath just yet.

Well it looks like GDC will be all about hardware the SteamMachines, Steam Controller and Valves VR set.

I think we ight get a glimpse of Source 2, but by now doubt very much it will be wih any game that can stir a hype.

Chet Faliszek’s talk at at EGX Rezzed in which he will show “Secret Content” should also bring something more on the hardware details, however…they need the graphics to show on something…

Directly from website:
Friday 13th March
1pm: Chet Faliszek - Valve
This session’s content is a closely guarded secret! Look out for more information coming soon.

Except for ya know… the most obvious thing on the page.

How do you get Steam Machines from this? HOW?!

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.