Half-Life 3 code found within a recent DOTA 2 UGC update

I see my first post in this forum is going swell…

Well first of all my apologies, I didn’t wan’t to upset you so much to make you use caps, bold and Italic in your “HOW?!”.

Secondly you are right I should have made the post more clear. What I meant was that Steam Machines and other hardware will be unveiled at GDC 2015, somewhere from the 2nd to the 6th of March. After that, on the 13th, comes Chets Faliszek’s session on EGX Rezzed.

So to make it clear I did not get Steam Machines from Chets Faliszek’s session.

Watch as the “secret content” will be something Workshop related, or a new IP.

in b4 Ricochet 2 :wink:

I would also bet Ricochet 2 just to troll the lot of us as it’s probably an easy game to create if they keep it as simple as the first one.

I can see why you would say that, but why would Valve send one of their writers to EGXRezzed to talk about their hardware devices. I would imagine there would be people at Valve who are more qualified than him to give that type of presentation. No offense to Chet or anything, but I would think someone who was working on the hardware stuff would give the presentation on the hardware…

Well I mean, why the hell not? If it showed up as an extra mode in the multiplayer, I would…ignore it, but joke about it being there.

I mean, that’s also assuming anything Half-Life 3 related is even going on. I understand upholding content until it’s finished, but what is so bad about them just saying “we’re working on it, stay cool guys”?

Let me Google that for you. facepalm

So this just happened. Source 2 is official, and it’s going to be free for developers to use.

No announcement on any projects using the engine, but considering what we know about the presentation (or whatever it is) at EGX Rezzed, I figure we’re going to either see Half-Life 3 or Left 4 Dead 3.

Like, I know I’m going to be disappointed, because it always happens, but I think this might actually be it.

Same case here. Every time Valve is mysterious, I say to myself “This has to be it, just has to be.” I always get disappointed, but I really think this is the year.

Surprised no one has brought this up. The website has been updated. Chet’s talk is about VR. Not sure why it was a “closely guarded secret.” before. Valve has been talkin’ VR for, what? 2-3 years now?
THAT BEING SAID, every other talk listed on that page is about a specific game. Every talk but Valve’s. Follow that up with the fact that this is a public-facing event (as opposed to GDC, which is an industry-facing event), and is therefore a good place to announce something and create buzz.

I’m curbing my enthusiasm… but this is actually the most likely time in years for Valve to announce some big new game.
My HOPE is Half-Life 3, as Valve has a history of using the series to demo what their new engine tech is capable of: Goldsrc with in-game storytelling, Source with physics, …Source 2 with VR?


Hmm… Yeah, it seems weird to me that they’d have a VR presentation marked as a “closely guarded secret”. Given the circumstances, I’m still hoping for Half-Life 3 as well.

HTC Vive Handes On
~2:30: “And finally I got to see a little teaser from Aperture Science”

Let the speculation train run.

And firmly re-apply the breaks. :stuck_out_tongue:

But, honestly, I really wanna see what these demos and that HTC controller looks like.

UPDATE: Footage. …That… that doesn’t look like Source to me. Does this mean this is our first look at Source 2?

Apparently, yes.

Not first look. We had already seen Source 2, the remade LFD2 map screens, remember?

I think they meant our first official look at it presented by Valve.

Those looked like more of a hoax than anything else to me (they just looked like really high poly environments in the CS:GO branch of Source running at 2 FPS). I think that was the general balckmeas forums consensus too. Who knows though, maybe they’ll pop up again as Valve finally starts really showing off Source 2, but for now I would guess that wasn’t actually Source 2.

Weren’t those from someone who’d already proven to be accurate with leaked info like this before, though?

They were real, but from a power point from 2011.

I believe those were proven real.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.