Half Life 2: Update on Steam (Available now!)

Nope, that’s a real FF character model.

I think FF is one of those mods that broke things to make them pretty and by trying to add new features it created more work for itself as it went along, at first it was a simple collection of replacement models and some textures, then they overhauled the game lighting by recompiling every map, which made the game too dark, which caused subsequend updates use ridiculos amounts of HDR and bloom. People complained that it looked too much like hollywood so they went ahead and just added some more fitting music, when they should’ve been going in the opposite direction the entire time. Breen is actually one of the more “serious” models, too, here are some examples of the default FF Alyx and Mossman, first using low bloom and then with ridiculous amounts of bloom:


I think the thing I resent the most is the hijacking of the word ‘cinematic’. If his mod were a movie it’d be either some Michael Bay turd or the most horrendously laughable B-movie depending on what level of budget he had to waste. The fact that Alyx didn’t have to walk around with her bewbs out was what made her compelling, rather than the typical fetishism most of us grew out of in our teenage years.

HL2 (and this Update only makes it better in this regard) already had everything good that the word ‘cinematic’ implies going for it - visuals, settings, plot, characters, all amazing.

I completely agree with you guys with the horrible models and everything.I just don’t complain about it since it can be removed in the options menu and
played without it.

Now can we get back to the topic, hm?
Here’s my review of the game so far.

The game gets better and better along the way.
And here’s a tip for you, after a while of playing, try playing the original
game.You will be surprised how much stuff is improved.As i mentioned before,
in the vast open areas without water, you don’t see much differences.But in the
closed spaces, with limited light sources it is amazing!

Found a first bug!
In the “Anticitizen One” chapter when you gather your crew and get to the area where the road has a giant hole
in it, and a combine black wall in front.You are suppose to go left through a building.Before i went in, i noticed i still
had someone shooting me.It was an invisible Combine.He just disappeared, but he was there and shooting.

I was able to kill him with a crowbar, which resulted in a game crash.
After that, i load the game again and done the same, with the same result.A crash.
Then, third time i loaded the game, my crew became invisible.In that case, just by walking into them, the game crashes.

Fix…or at least it was.
I haven’t done or tried anything with the game files to fix it.
I fixed the game by downloading a save starting the “Anticitizen One” chapter, and had no problem at the same location.

That’s all for now, i’ll tune in again for the next review.

Not fake, but Fakefactory.

That’s certainly not as bad as some of those characters’ models in other versions of the mod. They still look like people, albeit shittily clad people who look nothing like Alyx and Mossman and don’t fit in with HL2 at all. That said, Alyx’s face with the bloom is really hilarious to me for some reason.

Please take talk about the Cinematic Mod to a new thread so we can get back to talking about the Half-Life 2 Update here.


Oops, sorry.

On-topic; I needed an excuse to play through Half-Life 2 again anyways, so Update was a perfectly good reason. To be honest, HL2 still doesn’t click with me like the first game or Black Mesa do, but it’s still an awesome game. As subtle as the changes Update makes are, they really add a lot to the game, IMO.

On that note, AUGH, I forgot how much I hate Combine Shotgunners :fffuuu:

It’s totally real, and it’s not even the worst character model either.

I thought it was confirmed fakefactory stole models and shit too? Or am i thinking of something else.

Whatever, he puts bridges everywhere that make no god damn sense, or stuff like making the coast into a pine forest (wtf)

Nah that’s right, he also steals models, textures, and music from other games or movies.

I apologise, I’m still getting used to the new format and I must’ve rolled by your post.

About HL2 update, I’m throwing mods together for my ultimate (to date) HL2 play through. So far I’ve got a list of both downloaded, tweaked, and custom mods. Anyone got any must-haves?

Well guys.
I finished the Half Life 2: Update.
And i gotta tell you i was sad when i was finished.
Because it was so awesome!
The game really feels different, in a good way.
Get it while you can!

And i also couldn’t wait for/if Filip makes the Ep:1 and Ep:2,
so i started the original ones.I just wanted to play it.

Seeing as the intention was to bring Half-Life 2 up to the same visual standard as the Episodes, I’d be surprised if he decided to tackle them as well. You never know, I guess.

now he has to bring the episodes to the level of portal 2 and then bring hl2 up to the level of the episodes again :stuck_out_tongue:

I have removed a post about the Cinematic Mod. I have told everyone to create a new thread if they wish to talk about it. I will start issuing infractions if this continues.

Sorry about that but i heard so many things about cinematic mod I got a bit annoyed :whistling:

Make a new thread. This is the final warning.

ok, ok, message recived.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.