Half Life 2: Update on Steam (Available now!)

Hey people and BM Team.
You’re gonna love this.

Half Life 2: Update

Essentially, it’s a modification to the Half Life 2 game made by various community HL fans.
There are numerous bug fixes, shadow improvements and much more!
It’s so good that Valve has liked it and approved it to be distributed for free as a mod
to the HL2 game on Steam.

Found out about this earlier in the day. This is really cool.

I just checked on Steam a moment ago, just 6 more hours and its available!

Any idea if it extends to the episodes as well (or if there’s a plan to do so eventually)?

I think the whole point was simply to bring HL2 up to par with the Episodes.

Well for now only HL2, but they do consider making the other Episodes, or they would like to make it.
You can see more on their brochure.

No, the point was to update the game to today’s graphic standard.

It’s Available now, go get your mod.It’s free!
I will post a short review of the first few minutes of the mod
to see what it’s like and how can my computer handle it compared
to the original.

It’s got Ross Scott in it… I’m sold.

Then it’s failed quite horribly, a few lighting and other misc tweaks have brought it a a short time ahead of its original state, but nowhere near 2015. Looks closer to the episodes than anything within the last half decade.

It was aimed at bringing HL2 more in line with the episodes. The goal was to make use of some of the Source engine’s improvements over the course of the episodes to tweak and update some of the more dated lighting and visual effects of HL2, while making absolutely minimal changes to the style, tone, and art direction - hence no (or virtually no - skyboxes look to the only portion with any significant extra/changed details) asset changes.

My bad, i misunderstood the brochure then.
It’s still awesome.

First 10 min Review
Well, at first there are no big changes.The light improvement are
noticed mostly with other NPC and within closed areas such as buildings
or tunnels.Here and there you can find added models to the maps.
For example, after the train passing, when you jump sown into the canal
before the vortigaunt container, there is a pipe on the left side which drains water.
Nice touch.

I will give another review later, a first few minutes didn’t interest me fully.

Hey, I don’t know if they already told you, but ,if I’m not wrong, there should be only one developer of the hl2:update: Filip Victor, born in Romania.

@Freecode, i know that one guy made the mod, what’s your point?

So it’s like cinematic mod, but it doesn’t put grass in the ocean and porn grafitti on the walls, or turn Breen into a brazilian transvestite?

It’s just refining the game to its best that the source engine can handle.
And don’t judge the Cinematic Mod so hard, its also made by one guy, and it is brilliant.
It takes time to remodel a character.

not when you do out the horrifically amateur way he does it.

Nobody disputes the amount of work Fakefactory put into it, or his technical skill.

It’s more just everything else about it that people object to.

Honestly? Take away the horrendous character models and ridiculous graffiti, and I think Cinematic Mod looks quite pretty.

It’s just that the character models and graffiti outweigh basically everything else because of how completely out of place they are.

Fucking Brazilian transvestite
That’s what this fucking dongwipe looks like.
Look at that fucking eyeshadow and that goddamn hair that has a curve of bald scalp around his head
look at the fucking lazy-eye on this doucheturbine.

This concludes the analysis of why cinematic mod is worser than update

Also fucking grass in the ocean
also porn graffiti like it’s some sort of 4chan counter-strike server


That… Please tell me that image is fake.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.