Today, I bought the Half-Life 1 Anthology from Steam (Includes HL1, Blue Shift, Opposing Force, and TF Classic). This doesn’t mean I haven’t played HL1 before; I’ve played it A LOT. I had Half-Life: Source already, but I wasn’t happy with the inability to use Goldsrc mods (And HL: Source’s improvements are cheesy).
Anyway, my problem is with how far out the weapons appear when playing HL1. They don’t seem to be projecting out enough. For example, the shotgun is barely on the screen. The FOV is set to its default; 90. I’m a perfectionist, and can’t stand small imperfections like this. It just doesn’t seem right. So, if anyone knows anything about this issue, please help.
Also, I feel incredibly stupid for even asking about something like this. :retard: