In L4D if look down you can see the characters feet. Do you think it would be a good idea to have this in EP3, or not? Because we only ever see Gordon’s hands , it would add realism and valve did it well in L4D. Sorry if this reads like crap ( posting when tired = bad engrish ) :jizz:
No, it would be a bad idea. Mostly because (according to Valve) YOU’RE supposed to be Gordon.
Ya I actually like the idea, somebody email this to Gabe.
I’ve got an idea! Why don’t YOU do it?
They won’t though…
ummm wouldent that make it a good idea… since if you look down dont you see your feet??? it would be pretty cool
I hope they do this, I really like when games do it. Or like Mirrors Edge, how you put arms up to protect yourself when you run face-first into a wall. I think killzone 2 does this as well? Definitely adds to immersion.
@reaper don’t feed the troll
I don’t think you know what “trolling” means matt.
@Reaper: Read my post carefully. One word at a time. Think about it for a couple of minutes and maybe then you’ll understand what I said.
yea you say…“No” to Chazzy then you say It Would be a bad idea. …bla bla bla
Well yeah, that means you can’t really understand what I said. Ok…
So yes, when you look down you see YOUR legs, not the game character legs, YOUR legs. That’s the point. You feel like you’re the main character not some guy that you are only controlling. Do you get it now? Oh, and in before “but Gordons hands are visible so they are not your hands OLOLOLOL”
yup. he said it would be a bad idea. The most important part, however, is the part that you STILL don’t get. YOU are supposed to be Gordon. Ergo YOUR feet are his feet. Also ergo he doesn’t speak. If they put this in, then have him say “Chewing bubble gum and kicking ass” every time he pwns a hunter.
GOD DAMMIT! :ninja:'d
so Gordon is floating around in a rolly chair for the whole game? interesting
^ Now see matt? This is called trolling.
Also is the same reason Gordon don’t speak, they really want you to be Gordon Freeman.
No, thats called pwning your troll-post in the face with airtight logic.
he’s not trying to get flamed… but methinks you are.
That is stupid.
First person legs always suck horribly. I remember playing mirrors edge, and seeing both of my feet floating over the end of the ledge I was standing on. If you’re not going to put a camera in the head of a character with inverse kinematics, then don’t even bother with legs, they’ll just end up being distracting.
And why is this still unlocked?
It’s nice to have some feet, makes you feel you are actually playing as a person and not as a floating crowbar model, basicaly all the enemies see is a crowbar coming at them down a corridor, like G-man said it.
Gordon never had feet. Why are they supposed to impel from HL2E2 to HL2E3?