Games That Are Truly Well Done

Yes, and I’ll shove it up your urethra.

That’s it?

Ok, this is your thread…

You win…?


i played dead space with my headphones on and didn’t leave my chair for hours.

That one game where that blk person like stole my bike that one time.


Mafia II? idk i just like it.

Shadows of Chernobyl. Hands down my favorite game ever. Aside from random critical crashes (which most of which are fixed if one loads “Stalker Complete mod”). The immersion is spectacular. The graphics for 2007 were amazing, and still are. Characters could be more detailed, but overall one of the best games ever if you want immersion.

You should play Call of Pripyat if you haven’t already. CoP complete is absolutely gorgeous.

Shit fuck cock! Is it out already?

Amd I can vouch for STALKER, but only for the one in Russian. English speaking gamers have no clue what they are robbed of with that hideous dub.

Came out last month.

Also, that’s the only good thing about the SoC mod Oblivion Lost is that it takes out the english dubs.

I can’t really call the STALKER games well done, far to buggy for that, but they sure as hell are immersive.

I like the Stalker dub :3 . Is there any way to change it entirely to Russian though without downloading those mods?

Here’s one for Clear Sky.

Pssh who wants to play Clear Sky.


CoD:MW2 MP, i swear much in front of my pc after getting killed by a random dude
Does that count


Not only does STALKER have quite a sense of immersion, it also has quite challenging gameplay and an intriguing story. There’s so much mystery surrounding the zone, that you can’t help but go back in.

STALKER Complete basically removes all the bugs and makes everything about the game so much better. It really is unbelievably immersive to me, as well.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.