Not so much that as you can’t sell a game without a few people dying these days.
Who’s to say the guard died? Maybe the bomb was just powerful enough to neutralize him for a few seconds.
Still not liking the route they are going, changing your character from an average guy who excels at stealth to a jack of all trades, adding a focus mode that automatically highlights things you should be able to discover on your own, etc.
That doesn’t mean it won’t be a good game, could be a great one even.
But damn I was hoping even though we were getting that stuff Garrett’s character would at least be in tact. Hell, one of the reasons I don’t like the dark mod as much as the thief games is because I’m not playing as Garrett, so it’s disappointing that they are changing him so much
Ah, yes, the same exact argument we had when they announced the new Deus Ex.
Deus Ex had the benefit of being more directed at having multiple possible gameplay styles though, while Thief was always a series that didn’t really do much other then stealth, but it did it so damn good.
It was always geared around a specific playstyle, and frankly, that was the main appeal of playing the games, because of how strongly that playstyle was realized in the game mechanics compared to other games of the genre.
I guess we’ll see how it goes
No, I meant the whole “on no, they’re going to make it action focused” argument.
itll prob be dumb in the same way the latest hitman was where the levels are divided into sections instead of being big sandbox things that u are just dumped into
This is being made by the same team that made the Deus Ex Human Revolution, so let’s have a little more faith.
i guess as long as they farm the boss fights out to someone else this time
Or just no boss fights. Maybe boss heists.
Either way, the whole game will probably be done internally.
I hope they have a knockout animation, instead of them just ragdolling and spazzing like in Thief III
If it must, at least keep it first person. If Bethesda can do it, so can Eidos.
It’s made by the same studio but not the same team. A lot of the stuff they’re saying about the game has me worried as well but I’ll wait until gameplay to say for sure.
DX:HR would like to talk to you.
EDIT: ninja’d by a whole page
It’s the downfall of PC and the rise of the SUPERCHARGED PC the PS4!
Eh, he is right to some degree. Thief is not a twitch shooter, so it doesn’t really need the extra response, if that means better physics and better lighting technology.
We tend to expect too much of consoles. PC’s are always going to be better for a multitude of reasons, so it’s really unfair to try to expect new consoles to keep up.
He’s right. I don’t seen what the fuss is about.
Don’t see why it would matter if you play it on a PC, since it won’t be capped at 30 there.
But if they optimize it for 30fps then running it at 60 would probably require a beastly machine.
Shit, how am I going to rocket jump and bunny hop if Thief is running at a measly 30fps?