So Schmitz killed someone? I’m not trying to be an ass (much), I know what you mean by extradition, no arguing there.
The problem many are having with this case is, that it is of precedence value. Governments use extradition against notorious criminals, murderers, fugitives, terrorists or fuck wealthy businessmen with less than legal income. Now the latter one may look like it applies to piracy, except the whole damage done by piracy isn’t ever gonna be a clear cut. When you pirate something, you’re not taking away money, you’re simply not giving away yours - assuming you have had any to begin with. It is a theft against assumed wealth, wealth that major companies arrogantly claim to be their own, it’s not like robbing a bank…
Companies claim that piracy is flat out damage to them, but they’re biased, users claim the opposite or something between the two but they are biased too. However, it’s in no ones interest to make a clear and official study because that can turn out only one way. By confirming that piracy isn’t as big a damage as thought, so people would be less concerned about the morality of piracy which results in an increased download rate which in turn changes the figures (rightly so) proving the major companies claims - although it would be too late at that point.
That last paragraph wasn’t really a direct reply to your post (I’m sure you figured), more just generally expressing my opinion on the matter.