Could have been discussed before, but with all these mods and revamps by this time, what is your favorite weapon of choice in Black Mesa?
My choice: Tau Cannon
Why? Who doesn’t want to shoot a gun that fires super accelerated particles at devastating effect to any living creature? :jizz:
The hivehand. Period. Infinite ammo, able to basically spray the room from a corner and take down your foes, barely engaging them if at all…yeah.
Before you get the hivehand, however: Shotgun.
Gluon Gun… I mean… You fucking disintegrate everything you aim at. It’s epic.
Flares. Because fire.
Who doesn’t want to set things on fire?
While not my favorite weapon, the flares were a lot of fun. especially throwing them into that gas leak to fry the zombies. It’d be neat if they were in a few other locations besides the Sector C labs during Unforeseen Consequences, though. That could drastically change gameplay, though…
My favorite… Well, I tend to use the .357 a lot, because it’s headshots are devastating. Then again, the Glock does a pretty decent amount of damage, has really great accuracy and rate of fire. So, from a practicality standpoint, probably the Glock. From a pure fun standpoint, Gluon; all the way.
I don’t have a favorite right now. They’re all good in their own ways.
Something about the way the Glock fires is fucking fantastic. I love the way it feels. If it was a bit more effective in heavier situations I don’t think I’d use much else.
Glock: I usually go for headshots, it’s perfect to take down small groups of hecu and it’s way more effective than the Mp5.
Crossbow: If used without scope it’s the best weapon in BM, period.
I wish I could get more darts tho.
Probably the Glock. Just feels amazing to fire and use, plus the ammo is absolutely abundant. The sound, the animation, just beautiful.
Depenging on foe;
Crowbar-headcrabs and zombies
magnum-vortigaunts, controllers and HECU
mp5-against big swarms of weak enemies
shawtgun-headcrabs, HECU, vortigaunts and houndeyes
tau-Never use it anyway
Gluon-Bullsquid and alien grunts
Hivehand-Headcrabs and single weak enemies behind a corner
satchel-houndeye (Dunno why )
My mind.
Honestly, I used every weapon in the game, which isn’t always the case. I didn’t have a favorite because I found uses for everyone. The one I enjoyed using the most was the gluon gun. The first time I meltsploded a pack of houndeyes with it I laughed like a maniac.
I’d say the 357. If not, the Gluon gun.
same as in orriginal HL, the hive hand, especaily since it had infinite ammo.
i always seems to miss my targets with the crossbow
I use shotgun 80% of the time, just like in HL2 saga. It’s just so powerful, even on mid distance, good against every type of enemy, and max ammo carried amount is huge (too large IMO)
I’ve always been really paranoid about using explosive/exotic weapons without a constant, verifiable ammo source in pretty much any FPS so in BM I mostly stick to things like the .357 and shotgun too. When you have dat HECU accuracy/reaction time, you need all the instakills you can get :freeman:
Tau cannon. I don’t know what it is about it, it’s just so much fun to use. If not, hivehand
always loved the .357, mainly because that is a gun that I would love to own. What better way to defend yourself than with a big-ass scary looking handgun.
The magnum always gives you a satisfied feeling as you blow something’s head off.
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Me and my BFF shotgun are going to make our own club. “No Glouns or Magnums Allowed”