You sure you’ve played Crysis 2? There’s more engaging dialog in Buster Keaton movies.
I’ve just finished up a few sessions of Crysis 3 (PC). Hunter mode is brilliant and I’d actually like to have a Black Mesa Hunter session this weekend if anyone’s up for it. Sure it’s just Halo’s infection with a bow and arrow, but that’s what makes it so great.
Input lag issues aside (Crysis 2 problem as well), it shits all over Crysis 2’s haggard ass.
Sorry I’m not a 1337 tactical pr0.
The only challenging aspect of a multiplayer game should be the players. If the game is fighting against me, it failed. Crysis 2 is a game that was advertised for the freedom it gives players through the nanosuit. Hell, that was the ALL they advertised. None of the plot or characters were ever hilighted. Even the game’s Multiplayer got less screen time than that black carbon fiber ass. If your only argument for it was “you weren’t playing it right” then the game failed. I want to use the suit on the cover of the fucking box. 100% of the time. That’s what makes Crysis Crysis. Crysis 3 succeeding where Crysis 2 failed in this regard. I’m sorry this is the case.
Let me ask you this. Would it make much of a difference if the suit power was completely eradicated and people could stay in armor/ cloak forever if they wanted to? Let me tell you, it’d be a hell of a lot more interesting. Sure matches have the potential to devolve into nothing but invis people in nanovision looking for each other, but think about it. At least that’s different than the average combative multiplayer shooter. Let’s strip down Crysis 2. Take out the armor modes and what do you get? Medium size maps with consistent eyelines. An aim down sights mechanic with slight bullet magnetism. Limited sprint, of course. Ledge grabbing: interesting, but without the suit’s strength all you can do with it is save a missed jump. Low health and high damage weapons all around. Classic mode. Alright.
What separates this from every other multiplayer first person shooter that has come out in the past…fuck…10 years? If you strip those games of their own respective gimmicks, they share pretty much all the same attributes except maybe vaulting. Homefront, COD, Battlefield, Blacklight, Warface (hurr), Killzone, Medal of Honor; they’re all pretty much very slight variations of the same aim down sights centered shooter subgenre. So when that suit power drains, the attributes separating Crysis from those games are… well, they don’t exist. Crysis 2 without its suit powers is generic ADS shooter #12. If I’m constantly backed into a corner by the game’s inner workings to the point where I can’t take advantage of this one identifier, what am I doing with my time?
In fact, you know what would make Crysis even better; perfect even? Infinite everything. Bring the old 2007 armor modes back, and remove the bar. Everyone gets to utilize their true play styles without restriction, and those who get whooped have to adapt to come out on top because of the OTHER PLAYERS. Not because of a ceiling the game put in there. Hell, default armor modes can be included in the loadouts. You think vehicles cheapen the game? Fuck, the game needs MORE vehicles! It needs huge fucking maps, at least 3 different types of each major vehicle. 3 Heavy Tank-ish vehicles, 3 flying vehicles, 3 light ATV type vehicles, 3 unit carriers… At least 32 players too. Crysis is a concept that calls for a huge scope with abilities that require a wide berth. You can’t limit that shit with an energy bar. Crysis 3 is a step in the right direction, casting aside the inane restrictions of its deformed second cousin. All I can do now is hope that the next consoles are moderately powerful enough for them to rip the lid off of this bitch once again.
That being said Crysis 3 is not day 1 or even week 1 material. While it’s a step in the right direction, it’s still too much of a pandering experience for me to take it seriously as its own shooter. I’ll still be buying it probably. Maybe on the summer sale.
PS: My crusade against the use of the word “tactical” is because it has become completely meaningless. The very fact that you use it to argue for a stupid fucking mechanic that actively works against actual tactics only fuel my admittedly harmless anger. All I can hope to do is develop a first person shooter multiplayer game with some unique mechanics that don’t have a single element that works against the player. Like I said, the only thing in an MP game that should work against a player is another player.