This one of the few threads where everybody agrees.
Wait until Cup_o_Joe gets in here.
Oooooooooh, that’s gonna’ be fun!
Or wait till the guy with the white hair gets in here…
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
Albert Einstein,
“Science, Philosophy and Religion: a Symposium”, 1941
US (German-born) physicist (1879 - 1955)
Yep, I’m pissing myself in fear right now.
How does science fit with religion, or vice versa, at all?
source: JohnKiller118’s Standard English Dictionary
Looks at avatar…
…I am here.
Einstein was a smart guy
Your point?
Hitler was smart too.
But Einstein is the good kind of smart. Not the evil kind.
Good and Evil are just human concepts and they differ from person to person.
Although I agree with you Hitler did some horrible shit in my opinion.
Intelligence does not discriminate.
I think the poor chap couldnt make up his mind. Meh.
Give him a break, he had more important things to worry about, like relativity and pollen.
If you were a scientist you would easily understand what he is talking about.
He is not talking about a religious belief in god.
:s igh: oh you are so right ryvius… I know nothing of what he meant. :eyesrolling: