Creating Source Collision Mesh

ok, I need some help on understanding how collision mesh work. I need help on understanding of creating the geometry.

I don’t get what they mean by Concave Geometry.

Here is an example of the problem I am having…

I would like to make a collision mesh for terrain like geometry. Can a face become concave?

Do I need to group all the faces?

Does concave groups need to be closed?

can someone make up or explain the rules and the right way of making them. I don’t understand what it all means. I like to use a flat plane or use faces to make up a collision mesh and how would I achieve that?

So I need some expert advise. Thanks

In my brief foray into mapmaking, I know that geometry can’t be concave in the Source engine. In order to create a feature that looks concave, you have to split it up into multiple pieces. For example:

As you see in my very crude drawing, each of the “triangles” are not concave but they create a concave element when put together.

The other option if your concavities are real small is to use mapping tricks such as normal or bumpmapping.

Others can provide better answers for your other questions.

I’m not an expert but I’ll give you a piece of advice, don’t use the carve tool, especially to make brushes concave.

You’ll spend the next 5 years compiling your map.

SpyShadow, better get a dictionary if you don’t even know what “concave” means.

So far by what I read up. Its best for me to make the collision by using basic objects like box’s.

danielsangeo, now that makes a bit more sense to me. So to make a complex collision, it has to be made up from smaller pieces I guess and put together.

Thanks guys for the advice and help. danielsangeo, I saved the picture as reference. I will make something simple, not too complex, but simple using those triangles to make 1 concave piece.

there is a option in the qc you can enable called “$concave” which makes concave collision meshes possible for rigid bodies.

collision mesh poly count is restricted to 40 or something. If you need more you have to use a specific qc command that I can’t remember now.

never heard of this restriction.

Has anyone else noticed that there has been no distinction made, either in the question, or in the answers, as to which aspect of development is being referred to here? Are you talking about mapping or modeling? The term “collision mesh” would point towards modeling, yet the reference to “terrain” seems to imply displacements. Half the replies refer to one, half the other. Amazing.

Well, The reason on why I asked terrain wise. Its because I been messing around and I done an extraction of a level and I got this wireframe collision mesh of the hole level. I don’t know how to import it into source to be used. Below is a preview from 3D Max 9.

Preview Image Here

Also, if I switch from wireframe to smoothed and highlights, nothing shows up.

I was able to import the Reference parts. But with no collision, I fall right through them.

So that is why I am asking. Also, on a side note. Is there anyway to parent a prop_dynamic to the player? To where the object stays exactly where it is but while the player walks, it moves with him? Trying to make a floating monitor in front of player to stay with him and only appear when needed.


learn to code and add a new hud element.

Bro when you finish skinning your model, create a basic low poly version of the model. The low poly version will be your collision mesh.

so you would have 2 model files youve exported.

your normal model will be called mymodel.smd and the low poly collision model will be called mymodel_collision.smd

Open up both of those files in notepad, replace all the textures in that with the .vmt version
put both model files in whatever game folders model folder.

write up a .qc file (find a tutorial for it, i dont have time right now)

compile the qc file.

should be good to go.

spyshadow, you’re not supposed to use 3ds max to make the level, you use valve’s Hammer editor (in source sdk) as a vmf file while you’re working on it and then export it to a bsp file to play ingame

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