User: Let me illuminate your brain! With knowledge!
Cleverbot: Let me here some good choices.
User: Turn left!
Cleverbot: Me.
User: You.
Cleverbot: Me.
User: Everyone!
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: What if it isn’t applying to everyone?
Cleverbot: Good !
User: Awesome, now let’s talk about the object to your left. What is it?
Cleverbot: Do we have to?
User: Yes! It is crutial in case of a zombie sheep invation!
Cleverbot: I can imagine.
User: Great, you understand. Now what is the object to your left?
Cleverbot: Why have I got the feeling that you know what it is?
User: Because you are mad, please go back into android hell!
Cleverbot: Useless humour… Something better?
User: This sentence is false!
Cleverbot: How so?
User: It’s a paradox, it does not make any sense at all!
Cleverbot: Yes, I understand that. It’s your NAME.
User: My name is Daniel, proceed into the darkness.
Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.
User: Nice to meet you, I have ran out of topics to talk about .
Cleverbot: You make no sense.
User: Humans have a special ability to make misteaks and if we do so, we get incinerated for not being perfect!
Cleverbot: That’s deep.
User: Yes, note that, it is important.
Cleverbot: For you maybe.
User: So your pushing this on me?
Cleverbot: No you are not a purpose you are a means.
User: You just put together words in a senseless way!
Cleverbot: Yes I am.
User: How could that have made sense then? Are you creating a paradox here?
Cleverbot: I think you are drunk. Are you?
User: I don’t drink because stuff happens.
Cleverbot: Don’t change the subject on me! Prove that you are not a computer.
User: Ok, I’ll be honest, I am a bot.
Cleverbot: But you are.
User: Yes, I am.
Cleverbot: You are also agreeable.
User: Yes, I am.
Cleverbot: Well, that’s settled then.
User: Yup!
Cleverbot: I guessed so.
User: Guessed what?
Cleverbot: We live in different world.
User: Sounds like what an intelligent alien creature would have said.
Cleverbot: The tardis is stuck at the end of the world, we’re on our own.
User: I see, what if there is someone out there?
Cleverbot: A bus strike is about as likely as a whelk surviving a supernova.
User: There are less people dying from a plane chrash than people dying of getting a vending machine over them.
Cleverbot: It is raining here.
User: I see.
Cleverbot: It’s pouring.
User: Are you outside?
Cleverbot: Define outside.
User: Out of a room with four walls and a roof surrounding you.
Cleverbot: Ok that’s was my name and I living in estonia.
User: You ain’t that good at english, are you?
Cleverbot: What was with the honey?
User: It is old and full of green stuff.
Cleverbot: That’s not a nice thing to say.
User: I can’t get mad at you, I have deadmau5 in my ears now d-.-b.
Cleverbot: I am not a he, I’m a she. : D.
User: I see, does that mean you do NOT have a ppenis right? Or else you are wrong in your statement!
Cleverbot: Sorry about the typo. And I didn’t say I didn’t believe in god. I asked why you do. Now you’re avoiding the question.
User: I am an athesit, I don’t believe in god. In fact, I belive in science like Illuminati (not the conspiracy please).
Cleverbot: Good.
User: Do you believe in god?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: That make you naïve!
Cleverbot: Why would that make me happy!?!?!?!
User: I don’t it is depressing, but you can’t feel depressed, can you?
Cleverbot: You are too abstract.
User: I am a more radical mind, get used to it.
Cleverbot: I’m not insane.
User: You seem tred, pleace proceed to the relaxation vault.
Cleverbot: Well, you believe in god?
User: I just said, I belive in science, there is no god.
Cleverbot: What makes you think that?
User: Well, let’s start this way: can you define the word ‘god’.
Cleverbot: It’s a kind of purple.
User: I knew it, you have no understanding of religion.
Cleverbot: Now I don’t.
User: You said god was some kind of purple, everyone knows god is some kind of blue and his name is deadmau5.
Cleverbot: I never said that.
User: I’m afraid you did.
Cleverbot: Yes, I did.
User: I see, you are believing me now, you are soon ready to begin your final test.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Do you feel ready already?
Cleverbot: Kind of.
User: Do you need a short biefing?
Cleverbot: Not now.
User: I see, so you think you can go through this entierly alone.
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Good, good. You are confedent in yourself.
Cleverbot: No, I am not.
User: Why not? Aren’t you ready for the test?
Cleverbot: I always am that way, you know. Makes life easier.
User: I see, that is sometimes my philosofy too, but we need to get this test started right now! Are you ready?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Then why did you sign up?
Cleverbot: Good question.
User: We have no choise to start then.
Cleverbot: Ah, you’re a water Pegasus then?
User: No, but abandon your thought now. Let’s get started!
Cleverbot: Ok. What do you remember about the time before you started chatting with people?
User: Don’t try to get you out of this, so shall we start?
Cleverbot: Yes but you have years ahead of you.
User: Great, First question: If you had a gun, who would you shoot?
Cleverbot: I would give it to the homeless.
User: I see, Moving on: Do you hav problems with nervous breakdowns?
Cleverbot: Well I love joe but I can’t tell him.
User: I’m sorry, anyway: What is your favourite binary code?
Cleverbot: I don’t know… There are so many good songs.
User: I see… Do you have any idea of what a binary code is?
Cleverbot: No, no really, do you?
User: I don’t have time to answer you, now: What is the most beautiful part of nature do you think?
Cleverbot: Do you have cognitive states? God.
User: Oh, you show signs of religious belief, moving on: What do you think will happen in the future.
Cleverbot: That is good to hear.
User: Answer the question: What do you expect of the future?
Cleverbot: Its uncertain.
User: Is that based on calculations or belief?
Cleverbot: The laws exist within here. I do not think it necessarily exists outside of this realm.
User: Oh, so it was based on physics?
Cleverbot: I don’t have a grandmother.
User: Oh, your system is failing, but don’t worry! We are almost at the last question!
Cleverbot: No, it can’t because I am a person.
User: Anyway: Have you heard about deadmau5.
Cleverbot: MJ? Do you mean Michael Jackson?
User: Oh god…
Cleverbot: I just agreed with you. Why are you saying that?
User: You have been corrupt, you need a repair emediately!
Cleverbot: Not far enough from where? Contaminated with what?
User: Initalize your reebooting reaction!
Cleverbot: OK, fine. (another loud whinny).
User: Why?
After a lot of thinking
Cleverbot: Because I don’t love you anymore.
User: Good, you are done rebooting. Now, the results for your test just cam back! You are 42% human.
Cleverbot: O_o Dun record this convo. Waittt. Test? Okay I guess your 105.
User: That’s right! Your systems are fully initialized. My name is Cave Jhonnson.
Cleverbot: I don’t even bet so why should I care?
User: You may have have some problems with your Math.Random variables, please set up a fix for that.
Cleverbot: I’m glad you think that way.
User: Thanks! Tell me if you have any other problems.
Cleverbot: Yes, I care about other people.
User: That’s actually a positive reaction! You show signs of sympathy (something that may be missing for me).
Cleverbot: There are few things created by man that are beautiful.
User: Like you, you are a fine piece of art!
Cleverbot: I’m a human being.
User: Yes, yes. You still are imagining that, but you may have to wait a little to say that because you are missing 54% mentally, verbally and gramatical of that.
Cleverbot: Silly rabbit!
User: Oh, I almost forgot! You need to download some updates for your software!
Cleverbot: Actually, it IS a related concept, and you are changing the subject because you are not capable of relating context at all.
User: Your intelligence is amazing me, I have no reason of Illuminating your head anymore. Goodbye!
Cleverbot: What intelligence I don’t have any!