Children's area

That must’ve taken you a while to think up.

Yeah, I didn’t think about that. My suggestion is more about adding that song into the game somehow; the children’s area was just a quick idea to go about doing that. You’re right though, it would probably be oddly placed down there. I remember seeing in the trailer that there was a cafeteria/fast food area that you passed by, and possibly putting it there. Again, I care less about the children’s area than I do about that song being hidden like an easter egg somewhere.

As far as it being too late to add such an area, it’s not like I’m suggesting a new skin for the crates in-game. I used to map for a mod, and adding a small room with a sound box coming from to a single map it isn’t very difficult. Granted, that was on a different engine, though. Anyway, it’s just a suggestion. Should we limit our suggestions only to Xen, then? If so, what maps are and aren’t finished so that we can better direct our suggestions?

So you just want them to add some random song to a hidden area because…?

Not only that, but suggesting Easter Eggs is against the rules around here.

I wouldn’t. I mean honestly, she’s 27 now, so who cares? :stuck_out_tongue:

25, I believe, actually. (Or 26)

Yeah, let’s have a nursery full of baby vortigaunts where they’re playing this lame song and dancing to it.

It’s never mentioned so I have no idea where either of you are getting this information. Gordon’s the one who is 27, and since we don’t know how old Alyx is now or how much time has passed between HL1 and 2, you’ll just have to make up your own mind.


I always assumed she was about 21.

Eli mentions carrying her our when she was a baby.

Alyx is beyond 20 ? (maybe 27 ?!?!)
i think shes fine for gordon them.
Because he is (also) 27)
I dont count 20 years of stasis because, well it was stasis.
What makes me really wonder is that eli “suggests” alyx for gordon, because he doesnt know about stasis, or does he ? (remember ep2 talk)

i think a completely new area is too much of work by now

if he isn’t aware that gordon has been in stasis he must be blind

What Burb said.
“My God, you haven’t changed one iota.” Just because he doesn’t go out and say, “GORDON YOU WERE IN STASIS” doesn’t mean he didn’t pick up on it. Eli’s not an idiot.

so eli knew about everything and i could have known that in black mesa east already …

it’s pretty simple:
Gordon looked 27 (or whatever) when Eli saw him at BM. Gordon looked 27 (or whatever) when Eli saw him 20 years (or whatever) later. If Eli did not conclude from this that Gordon did not age for whatever reason, he is blind and/or stupid, which he is not.

“My god Gordon, you haven’t changed one iota, how do you do it? Now, let me see, the last time I saw you, I sent you up after the Resonance Cascade. Heh, I didn’t think it’d take you this long to get back to me. Welcome to the lab anyways…”

That’s from my memory, so it may not be perfect, but that’s what he says.

yea he better doesnt know about stasis,
or id ask more questions like:
why didnt that sucker tell me evrything if he knew i was in stasis…
okay thats enough about that … i guess

My take on the “You haven’t changed one iota, how do you do it?” thing is that it’s rhetorical. Eli knows something happened to Gordon and it has to do with “our mutual friend”; it’s not that Eli was stupid and really didn’t know how Gordon didn’t age.

The only person who knows for sure that Gordon was in stasis is our mutual friend the G-Man, and the only other person who knows something’s up is the guy on the train who said “I didn’t see you get on”

This just in- Eli IS the G-man. Think about it! All that pale face could just be makeup. Or perhaps an alternate persona- like multiple personality disorder.

But seriously, Eli isn’t an idiot. Considering that he is aware of the G-man, perhaps the BMI was something he was coerced into doing by the G-man as part of some plan to influence the timeline. Considering that the G-man is an “interdimensional bureaucrat” akin to a more valium-abusing sadistic Time Lord, perhaps he has some plan in mind that takes the Combine and the other events in the story into account to influence some future goal.

Well, even Odessa Cubbage is aware of the Gman. And he’s an idiot.

i never heard Cubbage knew anything about G-man

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.