Blood Streams, Ragdoll Features, Office Complex, Objects

–Blood Streams–
Something similar like this other mod for Half-Life, SMod Tactical.

I have an idea that this could also be used on liquid filled barrels, water pipes, etc. Would be cool headshotting a Grunt/Scientist seeing them with blood streaming out of where you shot them. If possible, I would recommend this probably not occurring all the time when you shoot someone. Perhaps you have to shoot them in a certain spot like the neck.

–Ragdoll Features–
To add onto this subject, you will realise that in the vid I linked above shows that when you kill someone their ragdoll is stiff. Maybe BMS can have that for more realism.

–Office Complex–
The parts where you fall out of the ceiling at the office complex, do you think it would be cool to add some DMM to those? The only problem is that it can kill and be able to float down with if too light.

How will the objects such as boxes be like in BMS? Would you be able to push them around for cover, etc? That’s pretty much what I’m talking about. No more text needed…

…Black Mesa is on the Source engine, not Goldsource (HL1 engine). It already has particle effects, ragdolls, physically simulated objects, HDR, you name it. If it was an engine feature in Episode 2, it’ll be in BM. Please read the Wiki for more information.

EDIT: I just realized you said Smod, which means you just forgot a 2 when you said Half-life. Apologies. (The wiki is still a good source for all kinds of info, though)
Also, you will be able to use crates for cover and move them at the same time, however I seem to recall the developers stated that NPCs can see through them, and will shoot at it if you’re trying to move the crate while using it as cover.

DMM on that particular part? Wouldn’t that be overkill? I mean, aside from the fact that DMM is a commercial middleware that probably costs a shitload of money and you’re suggesting adding it to a free mod, why would that part even need to be made using DMM when the traditional way to do it in Source is perfectly fine?

Yeah, I agree with the DMM part. I went a bit too far on that. But the only suggestion that I’m mainly focused on is the blood streams. The others was just some other random things that popped up in my head.

I too want to see how crazy BM got with the blood. I never liked HL2’s stock effects (2004 AND OB versions).

General ‘burst’ effects never did it for me. It doesn’t make sense at all to me for the blood to spread out and then disappear. Hated it in HL2, hated it in Halo 3+, hated it in COD, hate it in BF3, I just can’t stand that effect. Unless it’s a red mist, in which case it makes sense. In that case, though, there’d have to be a spurt like you posted to accompany it (just shorter).

I like the red mists.

Those look purty.

I really like the blood effects in Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl but I think that most games don’t have the blood stains last long enough.

Halo 1. Best blood decals. Ridiculously large and lasted forever.

You forgot about Soldier Of Fortune 3 Payback

Smod: Tactical’s blood spray was rather amusing when cranked to the max. Other than that, my favorite of the commercial game blood spurts would have to be the original F.E.A.R.
After all, who doesn’t like being able to turn someone into red mist with a shotgun at point blank? =P

I definitely love it.

Blood hasn’t been done right in a long time :confused:

huh, can a dev answer if ragdolls bleed when you shoot them in BM?

Yes, remember how I used to beat dead bodies until the fps dropped and cause horrible lag. The problem was that layer and layer of blood texture was put on eachother.

My only problem with SMOD tactical’s blood spurts was that everyone had a blood pressure of like, 100 PSI.

I think that effect minimized would be neat, what I would like to see would be blood that “drips” from hit decals and pools into increasingly larger decal the longer the body was still.

Actually, just about everything from the UT2004 bloody hell mutator, only not so over-the-top:

One thing comes to mind about that video:

“Bloody screen! So real!”

You know, we won’t see the blood from HL2 here in Black Mesa. We’ll see the EP2 blood that is very different. But it sucks too.

Not to bring Halo into this, I know the general opinion about it…

But I think this mod nailed how I feel all blood in every game should act.

Mmm that’s good blood decals.

Not to mention that the ragdoll twitches when the blood starts to stream in Smod:Tactical.

edit: I also found this, referring to xalener’s reply.

I like HL2’s blood effects. They don’t obscure too much & they’re not comically over the top. Half-Life’s plot is fairly serious, so over-the-top blood effects seem incredibly out of place.

I mean, if when Eli died his head popped off & erupted into a geyser of blood it would have been hilarious rather than depressing or sad.

Just his chest did that. :stuck_out_tongue:

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.