Blood Streams, Ragdoll Features, Office Complex, Objects

It would be good to see blood splatter not only when the person is hit, but when he is in the ground dead. Like GTA’s blood puddle but well made.

And while we’re at it, no insta-ragdoll death either. I want them to die like in L4D or, I’m ashamed to say, even Modern Warfare 2. When you killed a guy in that game at least it looked real.

Yeah, ragdolls when they’re in the ground. Or when they’re hit in the head, because they instantly die in that case.

It’d be more horrific/shocking other than sad and depressing. In Half-Life 1, you don’t have any friends or anybody you’d care for. Not even Kleiner. There wouldn’t be any purpose for it to look like that anyway. His death was a cutscene anyway.

If you can really call it a cutscene. :confused:

MW2 doesn’t have ragdolls at all to my knowledge. I agree that there needs to be some sort of death animations but ragdoll physics needs to be implemented at least after they die.

Seeing as how he was impaled through the back of his head, no it did not.

The more over-the-top/less believable the effects are, the less seriously it could be taken. The blood spurts in the video tomdemko linked to are almost as bad as most of the deaths in Hobo With A Shotgun (great movie by the way) that even when set up properly & (somwhat dramatically) in the movie have absolutely no weight to them.

What does that have to do with anything? Yes, all of the effects were pre-scripted, that doesn’t mean anything. If you’re saying that the scripted events could have toned-down violence compared to the deaths of everything else, that would just be jarringly inconsistent.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 does have ragdolls, but only as soon as the corpses fell to the ground.

That’s his point.

The blood doesn’t have to be exactly the same. I’m just suggesting blood streams or a more realistic look, other than seeing a blood impact and no blood hitting the ground. The video was just an example to show what I was talking about.

You’re correct about the “its a cutscene” part. “you don’t have any friends or anybody you’d care for.” Though, this is something else we have to think about.

Yeah, but that’s the HL2 universe.

And since something as drasticly violent and hilarious as Gibs are appearing in BM, I’m sure some more extravagant blood impact effects wouldn’t be out of place. Or at least ones with a bit more detail.

If there is gore already in BM, what’s wrong with adding such a feature?

It’s about how will the blood react, not the gore itself.

It’s just us being nitpicky, so don’t worry.

They were a bit shit too.

The dead bodies in that game look like jello.

They’re better than BF3 tho.

I wouldn’t say that. BF3’s ragdolls are a bit crazy when they hit just the wrong surface in just the wrong way, but they fall like actual damn people.

Modern Warfare type games tend to have shit ragdolls anyway though. That’s just how it is. Why? idk.

Bah, I still want BM to rectify the shit impact effects I’ve seen in almost every source game/ mod imaginable. Usually they’re stock, which suck… OR they’re custom and worse than stock.

BF3’s ragdolls are pretty good but they do tend to do a HL2-esque 300 foot jump if hit with explosives.

MW2’s are just awful, there’s just the death sequence, and then usually the ragdoll will collide oddly with the world and start twitching around, and then after 3-5 seconds, it locks into place. I’ve killed an enemy that fell from a roof and locked into place as he fell and just stayed suspended in midair before.

The ragdolls become inactive after few seconds to save resources, but I agree, MW2 ragdolls are just pure shit.

There’s a difference between going inactive and just being horribly done. If your engine is that dated that you have to freeze ragdolls to save resources, it’s time for an engine change. When you can shoot an enemy off of a rooftop only to have him stop falling about 8 feet above the ground, head downwards and not react to being shot, having explosions occur nearby, etc., there’s something horribly wrong happening.

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