Well, I tried downloading this morning, had a touch of rage…something along the lines of “WHAT THE FCK IS GOING ON!? THE FCKING WEBSITE WON’T OPEN! FCK! FCK! OH SH*T I’M LATE FOR WORK!”
So yeah…I luckily got the torrent up through facebook and let it download while I was at work. Then came home an hour early and OH my girlfriend came over to surprise me…I was surprised…(more like "FCK! I was so close to starting to play!" but I took the high road). So after about an hour of appeasing her, I came to find the website still not opening to me. Either way, my torrent was up and for the first time ever, I let you pricks leech off of me and seeded. (much love :- ) Then I played the game through the beginning of Blast Pit. I have never been so scared and surprised than when I was younger. This has blown my mind. I have been taking screen shots periodically so that I can look back and say “Wow”
Oh, and the website still doesn’t work for my IE so I tried out Chrome…actually works. And to think I thought the website was still down.
Thanks so much modders…but your job is not done yet. The alien poop chute delivery system must be completed!