Does this game have as much looting as the first one had?
Then it’s not my kind of game T_T I hate looting in fps games.
Also I dig your avatar Keresh
Screw that looting, you just won’t be able to upgrade some skills.
You are missing the game of the year.
I can always “try” it before deciding on if to purchase
Dude, don’t miss out on this game!
Haha, wow, where can you hear that?
Ah, haven’t reached that part yet. My Elizabeth is still wearing her initial more modest clothing.
I’ve finished the game and still missed it. I did hear Cindy Lauper and the Beach Boys, though.
Like, I’m probably in the minority… but probably one of the best games I’ve played in my entire life, and as of now my favorite game of all time. I’ll give it a week just to see if it’s just the “adrenaline rush” or if these are my legit feelings about this game.
^ same
Having gone into this game blind with literally no knowledge of the game save these few things. It was developed by Irrational (I have played and very much so enjoyed Bioshock 1), it took place in an American city in the sky, had those rail things and commented on early 1900s America. I can safely say I didn’t really have much bias and it was still fucking amazing.
Right now I’m really, really wishing I could get one of those fucking torrents to work.
You’ve got a PM.
Ah, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Very rarely does a game come along that I enjoy as much as Infinite.
Hell, the only real concern I had was that it seemed a bit easy on Normal, I didn’t find myself dying until much later on. Either way, it’s fantastic.
I’ve completed the game two times already and am in my third playthrough, somehow it’s still as amazingly fun as first time!