Best/Worst moments in gaming

I hadn’t seen a thread bout this so…

Here, we discuss your best/worst moments in your gaming adventures! Talk bout things like favorite or least favorite glitches, epic wins or fails, etc.

I’ll start:

I was playing Battlefield 1942 yesterday on wake island (I believe) and decided to try and bomb the Japanese battleship into submission. In the midst of doing a run, I turned to come back and ran into the carrier. Since that wasn’t my target at the moment, I did a sorta loop the loop over in order to go back towards the battleship. As I turned, near the end of my dive, the anti air pounded my plane, and with little escape, I was forced to bail onto the jap carrier. I landed and turned just in time to see my own plane safely land, without exploding, on the deck behind me. It was even in decent enough condition that I could repair it and take off again.


When I was younger, I somehow got really good at Battletoads. I found a trick to beating the racing stages: Spaz out. I’m sure I couldn’t do it again, but I got so good as spazzing out during the racing stages in Battletoads that I was able to beat them on the first try by the time I stopped playing it.

Diablo II.

Personal best: 5v1 came out on top.

That was before I started modding it for single player. Favorite moment now (that I don’t have a screen shot of) is the boss fight I managed to rig that took me 30 minutes to take down all 3 at once. It was really entertaining.

Best: the whole playthrough of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.

Worst: when I realized Duke Nukem Forever would be a shit game halfway through the 15 year long wait.

Best: First time winning a titan match in BF2142

Falling ship level in Jedi Knight 1.

First bloodsucker encounter and the bloodsucker village in STALKER

HL1 apache fight

NOLF skydiving segment

Collapsing ship in beginning of CoD 4



DNF except for one level (and the fact that they scrapped most of the good stuff they had)
STALKER 2’s cancellation for no reason
The advent of Final Fantasy 13 and the ridiculous amount of sequels
Disregarding the gameplay, the fact that Diablo 3’s story and tone are completely off when it comes to Diablo, almost making Diablo 3 feel like in essence a “Diablo” clone.

Worst: Having a really shitey memory and forgetting all the best moments.

Worst one was realizing Diablo III wasn’t worth the $60 I spent on it. I still feel peeved about that. Mass Effect 3’s shitty ending (game itself was good, the ending sucked ass).

(one of the) Best: Warcraft 3 + The Frozen Throne + DotA. It was glorious: the lore, the gameplay, the custom maps, the SOUNDTRACK
(THE) Worst: When WoW killed the franchise

One of my favorite moments in gaming, though, comes right from Black Mesa itself. When you finally turn off the surgical unit, the scientists begin running with you to the lobby. They kept up with me and I felt like I was surrounded by real people running with me. Then, when I got to the lobby and the HECU ambush happened, I ran back to the door and it was closed. I didn’t see that it close and with my back against the door, I began shooting the approaching HECU. I could hear the scientists shouting at me through the door. After laying waste to the HECU, the door opened and the scientists remarked at the carnage in the lobby.

It was one of the most epic things I’ve ever done in a video game.

I feel like I’ve read that exact post somewhere before, word for word.

Edit: and yeah, Daniel, I felt so complete after that. I felt like it actually happened.

I also remembered another epic win on my part, but it was an epic fail on my brothers part. One day him and I decided to play Halo 3 multiplayer on the Valhalla map to pass the time. Well, he decided to get in one of the covenant fighter jet things (can’t remember the real name, it’s like the ghost but flies) and tried to kick my ass. Which, had it not been for me being a badass, woulda worked. I ran for cover, finding myself eventually in one of the towers. That tower had the rocket launcher turret thing (with the tracking rockets), which was perfect for my needs. Taking it up, I fired at my bro. He jumped out, laughing about how something so slow would never kill him. However, my plan worked quite well. He hit the ground, unharmed, laughing at my “failed” attempt to get revenge for the beating he gave me, when his now destroyed vehicle…crushed him. Though I don’t think I got the point, I had the satisfaction of creaming him in a rather embarrassing, and rather artful, way.

You beat that sequence in a single try? I’m not sure I believe you.

Oh man, that part took me SO MANY TRIES. I just HAD to play the first time on hard mode…

I didn’t have any trouble. Well…I came really close to dying. But I made it haha

I was set to easy.

For me…

Yesterday in Planetside 2 was pretty cool. I learned to play Medic (because of how cool the Gauss S feels), and bought C4 for the class. I had two Terrans shoot at me as I went through a door - I set up a C4 on the doorframe, and they both came through at the same time. BOOM. (“Nothing says ‘FUCK YOU’ better than C4 in the face!” was my reaction, I believe)

Or the one time last week in War Thunder when I’ve been flying my Bearcat and got bumped into a jet match. Three of the jets didn’t see ME coming! The first fell after a stupid maneuver, the other fell while trying to desperately dodge my attack after a take-off… But the last was the sweetest. I actually defeated that guy after he entered the fight with an energy advantage. IN A JET. Turns out that prop-hanging is way more effective than jet-hanging, hehehe. And the fourth, being on the ground and realizing his situation, just quit the battle.

I felt so badass after both of these.

Also… 5v1? Not a problem in a Bearcat. And Spitfire LF Mk.IXc of mine turned a battle around single-handedly once.

Plus that bonus of ultra badassery of having your entire team wiped out only to kill every single player on the enemy team in a 9v9 fight.

Yah. I’d say I got plenty of badass moments in the air.

I dunno if this is my best ever, but I just got a teammate in a Titan to line up his chassis so I could jump onto him and then into the base on Corporate to capture the flag. Rather impressive teamwork on the spur of the moment, if I do say so myself.

My worst (or at least most disappointing gaming experience) was when playing the already fairly disappointing Doom 3 game on normal difficulty (I am in no way a great FPS player) and getting to the boss level and COMPLETING it without taking much damage at all. Seriously, it’s just the largest circle strafe in history.

Doom 3 is a good game, it just hasn’t aged well. Its glory was back in the day, but is no longer, that’s all.

My best moment in gaming history: damn, there’s too many and I don’t remember even 5% of them … damn senile head. Pretty much everything that either made me laugh or cry in a good way.
My worst: when I played Resident Evil 3 as a kid, I was so afraid of Nemesis that I locked myself in safe room for 3 hours straight and refused to continue and begged my brother to beat that section for me, because I was paranoid the Nemesis would appear once I open the doors. To everyone’s amusement, he didn’t :smiley:

Best: Either my 10 kill win streak in DOTA 2 (I suck at MOBAs) or Beating Freespace 2

Worst: Command and Conquer 4

the geth.

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.