Very James Bondish
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
Also Rapid Racer had an awesome theme but can’t find it on jewtube, twas called Carrera Rapida
I found Fahrenheit’s theme pretty moving/emotional.
Same with the Left 4 dead theme.
And, quite possibly, one of my favourite main game themes OF ALL TIME:
Damn that game was awesome
(and +1 for Deus Ex )
Runescape theme song brings me back to my childhood thus it is a good theme song. You underestimate me.
EDIT: I just watched the video…it appears to be the new theme tune. Gtfo DethklokSoldier. You are a disgrace to your family, the internet and more importantly yourself.
I linked the new video on purpose. I really didn’t think anyone would even watch it. That and it seems everywhere I go people hate me for playing Runescape. I’ll link the real video now.
And I will agree, the new theme is nowhere near as good as the old one.
A theme song to me is like a song that would pass from game to game…
Like Halo to Halo 2 and so on…
Not like Doom 3 where they just had a guy make cool music for that one specific game.
With that said…
Deus Ex, Duke Nukem, Battlefield 1942, C&C Generals.
Don’t know if its the main theme of the game, but it plays in main menu and is one of the best, ever:
Rom Di Prisco - Romulus 3, from Need For Speed III
EDIT: Solarfields score for Mirror’s Edge is briliant too, I have to agree!
Maybe Morrowind sounds “samey” because it’s aspiring to be like an epic variation of a song who’s structure is styled after old folk (like a hymn). The melody is repeated every cycle but the instrumentation builds and variates throughout, eventually climaxing with subtle harmonic counterpoint. It’s not trying to break ground, that’s the whole point.
Composers like Beethoven would often do simple settings of folk songs. There’s a fascination with the simplicity. I think it’s an intelligent way to reinforce the sense of the mythic in the game instead of doing something obvious or just “cinematic”.
Same guy who made Deus Ex music -
One of my absolute favorite themes, the Unreal theme:
Unreal Castle Flyby HD
How the hell did I forget about that!?
If every track in every game would be swapped for this, it would be heaven:
Fahrenheit main theme sounds pretty good …that automaticly reminds me Heavy Rain …
For some reason I imagine that being in Descent games.
So bscly from what I’ve read music is procedurally generated in Portal 2? Should be interesting.
Also, I love the Minecraft soundtrack, even though it only plays at random intervals and for a short amount of time.
I find the lack of GTAIII’s main theme pretty disturbing.
The official soundtrack for Homefront is awesome.
The orchestral score for it is meh, though.