Best HL2 SP mods


I want to make list of all the single player mods of hl2 and episodes that worth to download.
I’ll update this post with your suggestions.

Please, post only sp released mods.


Coming soon…hopefully!

EDIT: I’ve created another list: interesting but not released yet. Post the mod that you are waiting for…

Dear eshter is completely revamped and u need to pay for the new incarnation

Hey! This post is about mods,not piracy!

Ok. I made another list:
unreleased yet.

Please don’t post dead projects.

What about 1187?

You can install games to your school-issued laptop? Nice.

I’d like to suggest adding Combine Destiny 2 to the second list. I also enjoyed the first game, but it wasn’t very popular.


Opposing Force 2 -
Mission Improbable -

Valve games have the most and best mods in history of PC gaming… there’s nothing richer on the platform than modding communities. One more reason why consoles suck

Yeah…It’s another good reason to buy “The Orange Box”.
I did it and I’m quite satisfied!

About Modding
think at Skyrim,you can’t compare pc and console versions.

Off Topic: I wonder if they’ll ever allow us to mod Dishonored, that would be awesome. :o

On Topic: Cthulhu 2: The Yellow Sign


The 2nd list is becoming a wishlist! :slight_smile:

Is the Unreal Engine 3 mod-friendly?

This was a good mod.

Seems interesting, I’m gonna try it soon.

I’ve actually heard of that mod before. I should try it out someday.

It’s a common problem in mods development.
Ask to Carlos Montero:
in an interview he said that they had 1 or 2 years without a programmer.

OP updated.

I always liked dual reality.

That one looks good, very good. It looks like BM.

Nightmare House 2 is a great horror mod.

Since my favorite mapper Adam Foster with his mod Minerva is already in the list
might I suggest Stridermountain

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.