Just went out and bought the game, got home, put the dvd in, origin pops up, put the key in, origin “downloads the game” even though its actually reading from the disc lol, takes 30 min to install, now it wants to download a 450mb patch, fine, takes half an hour to 40 min on my 3mb connection, fine, installs, fine, play, firefox opens up, login, fine, you´re not running the latest nvida mofo drivers hoe! 250mb download, sigh, fine… waiting for that now, jeeze how long could it possibily take to start the game!!!
While I was it, I checked the “is your pc ready” thingie, says no, wtf? you telling me that my i5 2500k, 16gb ddr3 1600, 2x ssd raid, and 2x 275GTX in SLI aint enough? I check the recommended stuff, gtx560!? looool, what a load of marketting bullshit, 2x 275 in sli kick the shit out of a 560.
EDIT: Hell according to this, a 560 is 1%, 4% better in x sections, and a lot better if you use a lot of AA which I don´t… so yeah 2x GTX275 is better lol