I tried to log into the IRC channel on Quakenet for the ARG discussion, which you’ve probably heard of. If you haven’t, it’s stickied in the Cafeteria. Anyways, the Status bot/monitor/omniscient being said my IP was banned on their DNS blacklist. I appear to have been banned from every channel, even ones I have never visited. I have already tried two ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew cycles with no effect. My Internet provider is this one:https://www.acanac.ca/, if that helps.
Thanks for any help.
I don’t see why the Acanac Ip range would be banned. It is one of the large DSL/CABLE providers in Ontario.
Wish they came out to my swamp.
I read in the ARG thread that someone suggested that you contact Hyperbyte or Phlogiston. You can contact Hyperbyte by PMing him:
I would, it’s that I’m banned from every single IRC channel in the whole Quakenet system, and unless Hyperbyte has a secret agent at the IRC servers, I don’t think contacting him will help. At this point, I’ve resigned myself to waiting until my IP resets or something and trying again. This reminds of the time I was banned from sending emails to Hotmail because the provider was blacklisted from their system. Perhaps they do some crime on the side besides their Internet business…
Are you able to get to the #help channel? Does the “ban” reason give a time limit on the ban?
Just logged in today, and the message is gone. Guess my IP cycled or something. Thanks for the help anyways, everyone who participated.
in the future, you can just reconnect your ppp connection in the router config page to get a new IP
For future reference it’s worth actually reading the message you pasted. It is not QuakeNet’s blacklist, it’s one of many global blacklists used by many people, mostly email providers, and your IP address at the time happened to be listed for one of a few reasons (usually spamming etc). Doesn’t mean it was you, just your IP. There’s a few sites you can check your IP against (google DNS Blacklists) and they all tell you where the blacklists are and how you can apply to get your IP removed. Usually not worth the hassle when you’re on a dynamic IP address.
Also as that same page says, you can join without a problem using a full IRC client like mIRC or xchat.
QuakeNet do not block whole ranges of addresses, countries or ISPs without extremely good reason - currently the only real blocks in place are for dodgy proxies and not any particular providers.
Thought I should just mention this in case anyone else has a similar issue. You’re free to PM me here if you need too.