Always bet on Duke

Dammit, now I can’t make overused jokes about Blackmesa being released after Duke Nukem Forever because it could actually happen. :frowning:

I will say this: the one liners intentional cliches and babes in distress will be funny and very ironically unique, the graphics will be good enough, and the gameplay can’t be speculated on until it’s released.

I actually haven’t played the game (unless you count multiplayer on the N64 version). I just know how to familiarize myself with something through research :smiley:

Why yes, actually it does. If someone says a game is good, then it must be good by modern standards. Good needs no qualifier. If the game does not live up to the hype, it is over-rated. Not necessarily bad, although I played DN and hated it, but over-rated.

Anyway, my guess is that DN:F will be great the first half, fun the third quarter, and get tedious the final quarter.

I typically agree with you, but you can’t say that a game is good at a particular point in time and say that it’s a bad game a few years down the road. A game can’t be defined by comparisons of time periods because those periods are directly related to available technology. A game’s quality is defined by it’s impact in it’s OWN time and can’t, and shouldn’t, be compared to more recent standards.

I just rate games by whether I want to play them, and I have no desire whatsoever to play Duke Nukem or Doom, and never have since I played them for about five minutes once.

Sure, but surely you understand the impact of nostalgia on a person

Did anyone call for an expert witness?

*Tiki listens to
*Tiki starts crying

ALWAYS bet on h Poké

well, this is how it goes.

Well, it looks like someone (I forget who, maybe it was Grey Acumen?) Is finally going to get the game they pre-ordered over a decade ago.
If gamestop accepts the pre-order slip.

I wonder how many people preordered from game shops that don’t exist anymore…

Well, Someonerandom IS a forum bitch, right?
Also, what the fuck with Call of Duty gayness taking over MW acronym? Back in my days, it meant:

Now, when some gay newfag say MW, I still get confused. First I’m like OMG mechwarrior then I like “those call of duty morons need to eat shit and die”

It was a rumour. Duke Nukem Forever is using a heavily modified Unreal Engine 2.5

IMDB is even less trustworthy for “facts” than wikipedia.

Yep, and hate it to death. Its the only reason Nintendo still exists. Anyway, its too strong for anyone to overcome with actual thinking.

Only about Halo and Nostalgia. Usually.

The moment it sold about 10 times as many copies as Mech Warrior ever has.


I didn’t ask since when :expressionless:

theres ur problem. we dont all live in the past like u…

really? u sound like quite the arrogant twat to be honest. MW can stand for many things but the simple fact is u get confused then u blame them? makes me think somehow ur a little bit of a moron who needs eat shit and die…

u need too get ur grammar fixed m8

My point stands. Kinda.

Also, Merriam-Webster claimed it first.

Do I even know you?
Also, I don’t have a problem. You, on the other hand, have several.

Oh shiii…

Founded in 2004, became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.