I totally agree with you, although on that point I should mention that Germany is currently run by the Christian Democrat Party.
Angela Merkel is the daughter of a pastor and the current President studied Theology in University.
There was a nice German cartoon mocking these facts and featured two Arabs saying “Great, so Germany is a theocracy”.
Although I haven’t been able to find the cartoon again.
Although, that said, despite these links to religion, Germany is far more liberal and free than America could ever dream of being in at least the next 20 years.
The American system is an interesting paradox. It’s a country which claims to hold the principles of freedom above all things and yet it doesn’t allow gays to marry and has politicians who are against women being allowed to make their own choices in life (what I would class as a very serious breach of their personal freedom)
So basically, America stands for freedom, but only if you are a white male who has an income of over $50k per year.
*I should clarify that I know that some states do allow gay marriage. But if the Republicans get back in you can say bye bye to that freedom.
The reason Europeans love Obama is that he doesn’t go around messing around in our countries. Bush wasn’t intent on just fucking up America, he also wanted to fuck up everywhere else. Obama is happy to just piss in his own pool and not piss in ours. Condoleezza Rice was a disgusting human being and completely incapable of performing her role and absolutely killed foreign relations with pretty much every country she went to. Her arrogance really managed to piss off a lot of people.
I think only Mitt Romney could do worse than she did.
If Fox news’ most hardcore Republican fans struggle to defend the guy’s idiocy you know there’s trouble.