Zombie Panic!

Has anyone played the old Half-Life 1 mod Zombie Panic? I used to, but now the mod is dead apparently. I wish people still played, the Zombie Panic Source mod doesn’t seem to have the same appeal to it that the old goldsrc mod had.

I don’t know what you’re talking about; Zombie panic source is awesome.

I remember long nights barracaded in a bathroom with only 2 rounds in a revolver. I remember hearing my team get slaughtered outside.

You can’t top those memories.

So were you one of those people who would sit back and let the team do all the hard work, or was that just a last minute survival strategy because you only had the two rounds?

Usually there were people in the rooms with me. But the time I am recalling is when everyone stood at the barricade firing and I hid because I knew they were going to be overrun in like 4 seconds. It was near the end and I was right about their demise. So it was quick survival thinking :stuck_out_tongue:

I ended up killing myself with a nade just so they wouldn’t have the pleasure of killing me, because they were getting in. It was funny…

Honestly that does sound like a lot of fun. Where can I download this and does anyone even still play it?

You can download it straight from Steam. It has a pretty active community still.

It’s loads of fun, and it probably has the most active community of any
multiplayer source mod.

There are loads of servers and scares, it’s definitely a way to spend a weekend night. Seriously, I got a headset just to play it; the game’s teamwork is just so damn necessary that it really feels like you’re relying on other people to live. :slight_smile:

Just remember, if you want to be human; spam f1 at the round start.
If you want to start as a zombie, then you want to spam f2.
If you die you become zombie. If you carry too many weapons, you will move very slow.
Macro the panic button to a close key, so you can drop all items and sprint away when in danger.
When in doubt, barricade the door – it’s basically a necessity.
And finally, never go Rambo, that shit almost never works.

I remember people glitching the door by shoving a closet into it and then closing it on the farm map. I used to laugh when the door exploded and the closet flew into those glitchers and killed them.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.