Xen Wildlife

I like this idea. Although I like the idea of having xenian cockroaches better.

Me either, weird cockroaches rules.

^agree./one word posts rule!)

Mildly off topic, but I think the roaches were too ‘cute’ in HL1. They could be made really gross if they were placed in very particular instances that instigate horror. Like, for example, taking cover in the dead body of a scientist that you come across, or roaches pouring out of a vent that you have to go in. Perhaps they could be applied liberally to the Residue Processing chapter in ‘ew, nasty, I have to go there?’ sorts of areas. :slight_smile:

actually the guy above me has a really cool idea somewhere in his brain , how about , when you get close to a vent , roaches come out ! :o horror music n shit , sex !

The Wandering God

love it.

I like that. Most games seem to just have cockroaches as peripherals - tiny sprites or models that follow specific paths that simply add to the general feel of decay and not much more.

From the cockroach videos on Black Mesa however, I’m hoping that they can be used more to your suggestion, and be part of the game rather than something that you’d barely notice. I’d love to come across one area where cockroaches literally crawl out of the woodwork and to hear the sound of 4,000 legs. Men In Black had some awesome scenes with cockroaches.

Yes, I’m glad you guys understood what I was trying to say. I was having difficulty wording it without making it sound horrible. :slight_smile:

Well, if you’ve seen the demo video for the roaches, they’re certainly going to be swarming much more than they did in the original.

It’s beautiful~

I can play Episode 2 just like you, Raminator. I just have DirectX issues that cause the game to crash every hour. And, by the way, if you people really want to learn about Xen wildlife, read Valve’s book called Half Life 2: Raising The Bar. They do talk about Xen wildlife in the book.

I believe they have been using that book to help them with a few areas of the game.

Lol I have a macbook pro and even I agree with Ram and admit that its shit for Steam gaming. Te only game booted on my Mac is The Sims 3, other than that I use it for school and video editing but I leave the majority of my gaming to the PC.

ANYWAYS, I think it would be cool if they included some of the deleted monsters (small ones like the chumtoad) as wildlife that can only bee seen from afar but never actually reached (for example on another little floating island thats possible to see but impossible to reach).

It’d be a nice inclusion, but I doubt it’d make it.

The problem with that is that we’d all take the magnum and shoot them.

Or behind the infamous bulletproof glass. What? Aliens can have bulletproof glass too right? :3

They could be made like the cockroaches. They run around adding a bit of depth, you can kill them, but they don’t really do anything in the way of attacking, impeeding, or helping the player.

Is that from what I think that’s from?! :smiley:
Edit: Nope. :frowning:

I think we need to see two Houndeyes humping.

Uh didn’t you suggest this in another thread?

THIS will no doubt make my BM experience complete. :stuck_out_tongue:

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.