Xen Timeline

First of all, thanks for this update, Crowbar Collective.

It is something I personally have been waiting for years.

Said that, I am not really excited by the increase in size but rather by the fact that you guys decided to reinvent the only true weak part of the original game to deliver a better game under all possible aspects. Half Life Xen was, in my opinion, a real letdown and when you announced you were going to rework the level design, I was overjoyed.

I hope to read more about the core changes and I am hoping Xen will no longer be plagued by cheap deaths due to the jump sequences (which turned the game into a trampoline simulator).


Yippi the pippy !!

This thread’s just bringin’ out the oldies, huh

That’s because we’ve all been hiding on Xen :expressionless:

Read about this a couple of days ago. Part of me doesn’t believe this is happening :smiley:
This is the only reason I might actually buy a new PC after 9 years. Fun to see all the old members popping up too :smiley:

Whatchu doing buying a new computer? Upgrade only what’s obsolete like the rest of the Master Race.

This definitely looks awesome. Maps are huge compared to the hl1 ones. I wonder what’s with all the thin walls sticking out though.

They look like either tunnels or island bridges.
I’m hoping for the latter, because I think that would look awesome.

Goddamnit, this will again mess with my memory of HL1 levels.

they look good as well, keep up the work and i hope to see source pixel perfect 4k graphics

Everything in there is obsolete by now, all I can keep is the drives and the fans :d

I remember it, although the original quote said ‘raw_barn’!

Good, thanks. My gf and I boughtia house and filled it with cats

I’m an occasional lurker these days, just patiently awaiting Xen. Really excited at the light at the end of the decade-long tunnel. :slight_smile:

It seems like so long ago that the original mod was released. I am so happy.

I remember seeing one of the trailers for the mod somewhere around a year before it was released, and I was absolutely blown away. I had never heard of it before, and even though I hadn’t been into Half-Life for long by then, it was so astonishing to me to see an old game with such a huge facelift.
I’m so happy to see it come so far, and I can’t wait to play the final chapters. I’m personally excited to hear the Nihilanth’s voice the most.

I hope they don’t change the voice. It was good enough as it is, and unless they find something more spooky and overarching, I’m set for the original one.

I don’t think they wouldn’t change it, even though the Nihilanth’s original voice was great, the audio files are all bitcrushed and low-quality in general, it would definitely be noticeable.

Damn, all the people I used to see way back when are here.

And with that said, HOLY SHIT. THESE MAPS ARE HUGE. I just hope it’s not empty tho, but I trust you guys know what you’re doing. Black Mesa is a great remake, and I know the Xen chapters will be too.

Well holy damn, it’s announced. Can’t wait to encounter an extremely saucy high-res model of the Nihilanth, and I’m interested as to who’s voicing GMan at the end.
Can’t wait.

We’ve known who for years. We’ve heard him.

Sounding good as usual. You guys have made me see the severity of the black mesa incident. I cant wait to see how terrifying the Nihilanth will be. Keep it up we’re waiting.

@raw_bean yeah, I’m mostly lurking too and kind of switched to reddit. It’s not the same though.
It’s quite astonishing how the time passed. Just looking at some posts of some of the old-timers on this forum, people started in school, now are adults possibly in the work force already. Some have kids and a house now, like you(except for the kids part?).
And now the game is finally almost done. Also quite funny to look back, all the vaporware comments etc.
But I’m also happy that we all get to finally play a reimagined Xen soonish :slight_smile:

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.