Current specs:
Gigabyte h55m-s2h
Intel i5 650 - 3.2ghz(appx)
Radeon HD 3450
2gb 1333 ram
Now, I know the CPU isn’t the best but its not being replaced ATM, My question is if the ram is actually bottle necking the system, or if its my 1920x1080 monitor output thats causing FPS loss during high gfx games. I’m replacing the ram, motherboard, and GPU of the system in order to build another system with the old parts above.
From what i’ve been told, and observed about the physical memory precentages during gameplay, the ram isn’t the bottleneck. Give me your ideas.
Proposed changes:
asus p7h55-m pro
(CPU Unchanged)
Radeon HD 4670
4gb 1333 ram (higher clock?)