When we get to the final 4 chapters ?

Dear Developers of black mesa !

This message comes almost 4 years after the black mesa release , but there is no sign of incoming news about the final 4 chapters :

  • Xen
  • Gonarch’s Lair
  • Interloper
  • Nihilanth
  • EndGame (This is not a chapter actually)
    If each chapter finishes even in 1 year , We had to hear about at least 3 of the chapters !

Why ?

Also a recommendation for improving gameplay :

Remove the common ammo (for example Glock shares ammo with MP5) i know this was in the original game , but don’t forget that the original game is an old game !

When it’s done!

“Tempus omnia revelant.”

They said they gonna release some info about Xen.

Patience young padawan!

Knowing that, one day, Xen will be released, Half-Life 3 will be confirmed, and that i might get a better computer…


When ?!

The game is a great remake of half-life . but without it’s important final chapters , how we are gonna enjoy the whole story ?

When ? 4 years later ? We never know when !

I’m just asking when !

Why this came in quotes 2 times ??!!

Well, you could enjoy the parts of the story we’ve already made, and then enjoy the rest of the story…

…when it’s done!

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.