What's the point of this remake (BM, BMDM)?

I agree there are some aspects in original HL1 that were unbalanced. I agree that Gluon was overpowered in vanilla HL1DM. There are more than only one reason to this:

  1. splashdamage (you can damage your enemy while not aiming exactly on him)
  2. the player who gets hit by egon gets extreme screenshake and can’t shoot back easily using weapons like crossbow, gauss, magnum. Most of the time the easiest way to kill an egon player is wallgauss or rocketlauncher headshot.
  3. headshot damage on egon was insanely high
    Atm I like the Egon in BMDM, because it’s mainly good for mid range use and headshots don’t matter that much (Egon doesn’t shoot an exact straight line). I think atleast it’s ok for now

Compared to Quakelive or Reflex (a new arena fps game which currently is early access on Steam) you dodge (strafe) a bit slower in HL1AG. And I think that’s ok. Even if I like Reflex’s playermovement a lot, I think Half-Life is a different game and it is ok the way it is. We don’t need to remove all the recoil from MP5…

And also I like the shotgun to be a bit random. For me it adds more excitement to the game. It’s a shotgun… Shotguns don’t shoot 100% predictable and that’s ok. On short range you hit almost everything anyways. There are only few things about the BM shotguns I would change.

  1. you have to pump the shotgun right after each shot… and you can’t switch your weapon while you are doing it. (I think it’s going to get changed)
  2. shooting primary fire is almost the same rate of fire like secondary fire. secondary fire should have lower rate of fire but it should be more effective on close and midrange.
  3. on mid range (for example when shooting from lower MP5-house catwalk to center uranium platform on classic HL1 crossfire) the primary fire of the BMDM shotgun is slightly too unprecise I think. In HL1AG you was able to kill an enemy even on mid range with well aimed single barrel headshots (most of the time you needed about 3 shots on that distance, because it wasn’t 100% precise but you still hit something). I think the shotgun was almost perfect in HL1AG, but I agree there sometimes were random shots and somehow the shotgun heavily depended on your connection to the server (and the enemy players netsettings).
    Still you should have a slight advantage over pistoleros (if done right) even on mid range, because the pistol is nothing special but only your spawn-weapon.

Same for headshots. If they removed headshots from BMDM, this game would be totally different, less random maybe but also more boring imo.

One thing that has not really came up in this thread is the map remakes. Do you guys feel that they are balanced or are there too many weapons spread across map that leaves no room for map control. One map I feel that suffers from map control is stalkyard.

It is difficult not to compare the original hldm stalkyard to bmdm… A few minor suggestions:

-Lower height of box in the “middle” of the map that has rocket launcher on top. You should not be able to regular jump on it to get up, but a long jump should yield getting up.

-Not that I like the .50 cal mounts, but the view of them when mounted makes it difficult to see anything.

-Bring back hidden box spots… snark & machine gun “hidden boxes”

-The mp5 & mp5 grenade box in .50 cal room where the rpg is located at the top of the box should not be obtained by a straight ahead jump on box. There should be some maneuverabilty in order to get the mp5 like in original hldm map. Also, shooting the .50 cal makes sand bags turn bright white. Decrease the lighting?

-I know the new map is trying to be balanced, but about about when the game starts getting in competitive 1v1 play? Why are there 3 tau cannon locations? 2 maximum

-Why 2 rocket launchers in main room? Only make 1? Why 2 rocket launchers in 2nd .50 cal room?

-In 2nd room .50 cal room, you should be able to long jump to 2 health kits loacted on wall ledge from lower box that it is adjacent to.

-Too difficult to obtain tau cannon from shotgun box loacted across. Have to long jump precicesly to small box and then proceed to make 4 more jumps. Having the long jump module should give play benfit of reaching hard spots, not hinder them.

-When trying to obtain long jump module using the small box running along the side of larger boxes, you get snagged on ledge that holds xbow clips. Even if you try to get LJ module from jump away from wall, you miss it or fail to jump and slip off the box… This is veryyyy infuriating lol

Hopefully I don’t sound too demanding or critical… I just think the map can still be balanced a bit more.

I really like the armor/health placement they did on stalkyard. If you want to stay alive, you really need to time the health and armor packs. The annoying part on stalkyard is, like you said, that there are way too many rpg’s and tau guns. Since wallgauss isnt possible in that game, explosive weapons are now more stronger on stalkyard and if you put too many of them in every room, there is no reason to control some areas, because people are getting all they need in every part of the map. Further more, I dont understand the reason of having a crossbow in the main box room. It looks overpowered to me, if you have magnum, crossbow, rpg and gauss all next to each other. As soon as you picked up gauss, you get all these weapons + 2 armor packs withing 10 seconds. That shouldnt be possible.

You claim that because casual players have hard time hitting people long jumping (while any good aimer would find it easier), it is necessary to restrict its usage. So you’re indeed arguing for a simplification of game mechanics whose purpose is to make the game easier for low skilled players. This is exactly what one shouldn’t do. Long jump gives freedom and expressive power, if you constraint its usage you’re actually decreasing this expressive power. The more you put an illegitimate limitation/cap at something (either long jump usage or skill), the more you’re downgrading the maximum level one can reach, thus fictively filling the gap between low skilled player and high skilled ones.

Let me be more explicit. Suppose that its possible to quantify some type of aim and the maximum score one can get with such a test at some game. Suppose too, that in HLDM as it is, it is possible to potentially reach a score of 1000 because the game is built in such a way that it allows you to reach 1000 if you were a perfect player. Now, imagine that best aimers never reach more than 600 there. In this case, game mechanics are not constraining players expressiveness and skill because there is always big room for improvement. What happens now, if I decide to add some constraints on aim that would make the potential perfect score be 350? All players whose skill was above 350 is still potentially above 350 (skill is absolute, it doesn’t change because you change rules), but game mechanics are such that it forbids them to express it. As a result, they are effectively “350 score players”, not 600. By doing so, you fictively filled the gap between shitty players (with score less than 100) and high skilled players. Fictive caps are only good at that: killing expressive power of skilled players and making low ones happy, giving them the feeling that top skill (here seen as maximum potential score allowed by the game, that is 350 instead of 1000) is reachable and closed to them. Be sure that the skill you propose in replacement (related to “knowing when to use lj”) is pure shit and will be mastered in 1 day.

It is precisely the unbalanced features of a game that orient it and its gameplay. If the game was “perfectly balanced” (in some precise sense), then be sure that all related choices would be equivalent, thus killing the distinction between a good gameplay choice (in a broad sense, that is, even the skill you want to specialize into) and a bad one. Don’t fear unbalanced games. On the contrary, try to produce one.

PS: randomness add excitement, sure, but does it add skill and beauty? Certainly not, it kills it.

I completely agree on LJ part. Adding energy or even simply limiting LJ usage is not what should be ever done in this kind of game. It is very slow already without bhop and delays in weapon changes. And limiting LJ will make it even slower than it already is.

Gloun was simply OVERPOWERED in TDM, but also it was under powered in hlccl. And quite some time nobody ever used him, as i remember they tryed to fix it in ehll but it didnt work well. I think it should be between TDM and HLCCl. (I mean by damage multiplier if in TDM it was x1 relative to original hl, then in hlccl it was something like x0.7 ? not sure ) I dont remember hlccl and ehll numbers you but you got my point.

For example stalkyard wasn’t balanced from regular players perspective. It had Only one gauss and LJ alot of HEV and other weapons that was located in boxroom + all entrances in boxroom could be wallgaused or spammed. But only skilled player could maintain control of boxroom and control it for a long time.

Situation with gloud was different,at original hl1 egon damage, anyone who took it could kill almost everybody and it did annoy a lot of people. (I am not talking about top AG players playing against low skilled Hl players)

Lj doesn’t need any skill, that’s why it’s necessary to restrict its usage. You want to remove skill caps, and I want it too, but you dont seem to think about anything except aim. However, there is an evasion soft cap at pressing two keys simultaneously.
Look at all of these people - they will be able to use lj to boost a gauss jump or start bhop, 2 or 3 jumps in a row are more than enough for this. But they need lj mostly for one purpose - to continuously spam it in fights. Thats why they want to remove energy/cooldown so much - most of them will evade much better if the can spam lj, probably because they can’t dodge.
Of course, it’s possible to dodge more effectively then lj, but most of the players, about 80%, cant do that. (Actually, even more, because lj animation is bugged).
This lj within the context of evasion is similar to sprint compared to bhop. It’s like - yeah, you can bhop, but it will be slower than sprint unless your bhop skill is higher than 80%.
Speaking about xbow, the most important problem is that people don’t actually aim at all. They use this weapon because it doesn’t take much time to charge (like gauss) or to inflict damage (like gluon), so people don’t care about aiming, they simply shoot randomly and switch the weapon, because there will be no consequences if they miss. In games like quake theres is a delay for switching weapons (especially for rg), which prevents people from doing such things (and there is also skill-based dodges instead of lj spam).

I know what you mean but I can’t fully agree here.
I think the power of the gauss, longjump, zoomed-crossbow and armors make the game “unbalanced” enaugh already. We don’t need an overpowered Egon in BMDM. More powerful than MP5 obviously, but not overpowered like gauss. I like how the egon looks and feels currently in BM. I’m not sure if they have headshot-damage for Egon but if they have, maybe they should remove it. Egon headshots don’t require much skill and deal way too much damage. With a freaking powerful energy-beam like egon, it shouldn’t matter if you melt the enemies head or stomach. Dead enemy is dead. And if they removed headshots for egon, they should remove splashdamage at the same time (I don’t think there is any in BMDM currently… So… They should not add it.)… I think it’s also a bit too early to discuss the fine tuning of weaponbalance until they have completely balanced their maps.

Just to come back to the point of randomness in mp games…
I don’t like the idea of eliminating all random factors in a game. Even in CS:GO (yes, it is a really successful competetive shooter - if you like it (the fact that it is that) or not) you have some randomness on weapons. So I think it’s ok to keep some randomness in the game to keep it more exciting for everyone. All the mapcontrol-items in HL1DM are powerful enaugh, are not random and require skill to dominate your opponent. So I think there is room for some randomness on the weaker weapons to allow the out-of-control player to deal critical hits sometimes. In the end it results in more chances for the out-of-control player to take back the control. Good players can already go hard enaugh on their disadvantaged opponents so there is no reason to make that unbalance even more extreme. As long as the advantaged player doesn’t do any errors in PACMANing all the enemies player respawns and important items, his score grows like crazy and in the end he will most likely win. Comebacks can happen ofc. But the timelimit is a different problem in these kind of games. Theoreticly one player can get a huge advantage and after that he can go afk or hide and the enemy player won’t have any chance to get the lead back in time. So in the end I think it’s better to have more interessting situations (were both players have chances to kill). Or the ruleset should get changed. For example when one leads the other by 25 kills, he should instantly win the game. Or in a team match if one team leads by 50 frags… Maybe something like that. Or… atleast give the enemy player to surrender at that point.

To me it seems like a good idea to have longjump-cooldown after 3 jumps (some guy made a suggestion about the lj recovery which sounded pretty nice). I always hated LJ spam and when I think about it it’s not a huge nerf. On the other hand I’m not so sure if the Longjump-module should make sound. In theory yes, but maybe it was better to not have sound. If you had crossbow and longjump in HL1 you was able to do some really cool ninja moves… I might miss that.
For me it would be ideal to have HL1-like gaussjumps and wallgauss, HL1-like longjump (same jumphight and distance), bunnyhop, circlejump, stafejump, wallstrafe, crossbowjump, silent walking and crouching (working walk key). That’s good.
I would not like to see russianduck (very fast crouch doubletap) because it’s mostly used to mess up your own hitboxes. For climbing it’s cool but in the end it mostly gets abused.

why should a noob player be able to kill the guy in control based on random bullshit? how is that kill deserved for the noob?

Never thought I’d see BiggY again on the internet, lol. I just want bunny hop back in the game with no cap. As soon as I see that in a patch note, I’ll buy the game :wink: The rest can easily be fixed overtime I’m sure. Either way, after all those years of HL/AG, this could be the best breath of fresh air in a while. I sure do miss playing AG, for sure.

Well, Ludovic, we meet again, at last :wink: As for Black Mesa Deathmatch: give us Crossfire, and I will be delighted :slight_smile:

@John Snow: noobs are spamming long jump in order to avoid getting hit by other noobs. You seem to be obsessed by noobs. Do you plan being their king?

Let me explain something (not so easy to understand) you seem to be totally ignorant of. Given some action/technique (like long jump spam or some technique to aim), there exists some abstract blurry “amount of skill required to perform it nicely”, right? That is, it more or less makes sense to compare the “amount of skill” needed to perform an action or apply a technique (you shouldn’t believe that there is no bearing effects: some techniques require a minimum amount of skill in order to be performed correctly, like water needs to be cooled down to 0°C - at usual atmospheric pressure - if one wants it to solidify). Now, such action/technique contributes to your effectiveness in winning the game against the people you’re playing with, right? That is, if I’m playing with noobs, it is clear that in order to avoid getting hit, spamming long jump is a nice technique to use but it would be totally inefficient against decent players.

Let us now define the concept of winning effectiveness of some action/ technique per unit of skill as some intuitive ratio: given some people you’re playing with (either noobs, middle tiers players, or low skilled ones like most AG players), we define the previous density “morally” as the ratio (contribution to win the game; effectiveness of the action; technique against the people you’re playing with)/(skill required to perform it). Notice that this ratio is highly dependent to who you’re playing with, and will be different if you play against noobs, decent players, or “good” ones.
What you claim is that the previous ratio related to lj spam against noobs is really high: it requires almost no skill to lj spam and yet it contributes a lot to win a game full of noobs. That’s true. So what? The previous ratio related to lj spam against decent players is close to 0: it won’t help you at all to be able to lj spam. The same ratio against “good” players is even highly negative: it will make you lose hard to lj spam against good players because it makes you easier to hit than if you were not free falling.

Now, let me claim that there exists some lj actions/techniques that requires some relatively high amount of skill and whose ratio, while being really low against noobs (that is, it doesn’t help you to master them because it’s no need to rape them. Said differently, the investment you took to improve the skill related to these lj actions is a waste against noobs) is actually high against good players (the investment you took to train this skill, as high as it can be, is actually relevant against “good” players).
You seem to believe that the previous ratio only concerns low level skills against noobs players. What about considering what happens with relatively good ones? This gives me the feeling that you don’t know anything about this game but the “noob world”, thus making you think that the previous techniques don’t exist at all. You might want to consider starting to learn the possibilities of this game (surely playing AG is not enough, you better see me play) rather than telling noob related stuff.

About crossbow and all your previous and future speeches, please, stop using majority criterion to argue. Most players are casual and pure shit (and its everywhere the same), but are we responsible of this situation? Should we submit ourselves and our ideals to noobs whose demands always consist in lowering cap skill, in order to make them feel that their value as a player is as high as, say, mine? A good game is a game that is highly discriminative. Skill is discriminative. Cutting it, thus killing possibilities and expressive power, is egalitarian: it makes people equally shitty, is that what you want?

@fury: you seem to misunderstand that luck factor is in always present even in the absence of any kind of random generator. Most people who performs an action (like aiming, moving, or even long jumping) are full of luck because they can’t do what they did consistently or consciously. Do you really think that when you headshot a guy with a big blind flick while having 1HP it is your skill that eventually expressed itself, or just some random luck? In HLDM, weapons are really powerful and aggressive: while being 100/100, you can die in a single shot. This means that the game is really sensible to lucky shots, thus making it high variance. Is it really needed to add more luck over an already omnipresent luck?

The game should be balanced for most of the players, not just for 5% good players. Otherwise it will die.
I don’t want to lower skill cap, I want the learning curve for as many actions as possible to be smooth. Currently, a “pure shit” player who learned lj, becomes more or less equal to most of the players of the game.
About these skill-based lj techniques you mentioned, what are these, do you actually need to “spam” lj to perform and won’t 3 jumps in a row (100 energy pool, 40 energy for jump, 20 per second) be enough? Anyway, if a player is going to evade relying mostly on lj, he will have to master energy management, which is more “skilled” than spam, this can be hardly called a simplification.

Yes I think most (if not all) flick-headshots in HL1DM and AG are luck. But should this be eliminated? I don’t think so. And I think these insta-kill shots should not be exclusive to only gauss and crossbow. It should work with shotgun and rocketlauncher aswell.

First, why should it be as balanced as you propose? It’s pointless and it would kill any form of gameplay (cf my previous remark). Moreover, who gives a fuck if only 5% of people are experiencing the game as it should be played, and as is already the case in HLDM? It is now clear that your intentions are motivated by your ego and your will to be recognized, trying to make this game a popular unskilled game where you would effectively be the king of noobs.

Second, learning curve are never smooth. Knowledge, understanding and skill is not linear nor smooth. Third, you should really learn that there are many way to use lj mixed with lateral moves and uncrouch + recrouch in air, or silently.

Finally, silent lj is a key feature of evasion and is the only place where lj can be efficient as an evasion tool. Who uses lj to run away but huge noobs who can’t get greater speed with usual air move? There’s no skill managing energy as you propose, it justs forbids silent techniques to be used, and those are entirely part of HLDM.

@fury: why not making BMDM a lottery game? It would be so exciting, you wouldn’t know if you win or lose your flip anytime you launch it. Wow, so exciting! I’m predicting that some people will be such great skilled lotto players, that’s for sure.

Because it will be more balanced than hl1. And yeah, it would kill gameplay if hl gameplay is only about lj spam.
There is no need to make a copy of hl, especially considering that the game is almost dead. This is the reason why some things (especially “noob”/new players related) should be changed.

Aim, bhop and gaussjump learning curves are pretty smooth.

So what is the problem with mixed movement? You will be able to dodge when the energy is recovering.

First, we can remove footsteps sound, because we already have 2 types of movement - “loud” bhop and running, which can be silenced (and gaussjump, which is even louder than bhop). I think it would add some dynamics, especially for players under control, however, this is disputable.
Second, it is possible to increase energy recovery rate while not in combat, so you will be able to silent lj, but not to spam lj in a fight.

I guess silen LJ does not exist in this game, but it would be really great if they invent it. (Thats just a guess)

And why would you worry so much about LJ spam, LJ is item to guard. LJ should be rare item as it were in hl in many maps. So situation where all players have LJ and spamming it isn’t possible. While if player can control LJ and have it all the time it means that this player is more skilled and have better map control.

I thought about the LJ in BMDM and I think that it would be great to have some kind of energy-management on the LJ. But I think it would be better to remove the LJ-sound to make silent LJ possible. Besides the LJ sound is quide annoying, having no silent LJ makes it impossible to do all these great ninja-moves we were able to do in HL1. I hate LJ-spam, so that’s why I like the energy-management idea. Removing or silencing player footsteps is absolutely no option.

I know all of you HL :smiley: M bigwigs want your precious nuances back, but the rest of us don’t appreciate being spawncamped and deprived of every weapon on the map because of some diehard with the map’s spawn timers being memorized and impossible to shoot from constant bunny hopping. If the game is balanced towards giving us more of a fair shake without needing to utilize engine exploits to get an edge, I’m all for it.

Those of you trying to cram these changes back in, they are out for the good of the overall life of the game, because if you guys consistently dominated every match, the rest of us would get sick of it and stop playing, which is exactly the last thing we want in terms of building a stable, lasting community.

Yes, there are noobs with no skill. We can’t all be gods. Making the game more balanced so we can do SOMEthing, some of the time, is important.

A well designed game is fun for everyone; both complete noobs and top tier players. Satisfying everyone is going to be difficult, but we can and will do it. We are using our best judgement to make sure the game is fun at every level.

I’ve intentionally been avoiding all of these threads about making it more BM more like HLDM, but…

Maybe people care because, I don’t know, some of us want to have fun without having to learn exactly how long it takes for ammo/weapons/whatever to respawn, and without having to spend ages learning how to properly bunny-hop in order to have a chance at doing anything? HLDM is fun, but the skill curve makes it extremely unforgiving (and more importantly, not fun) for anyone who wants to play casually. By copying Half-Life’s mechanics 1:1, sure, you’re going to end up with a game that’s just as high-skilled, but you’ll also ruin it for everyone else. It’s not rocket science, if only 5% of your userbase is actually enjoying the game, it’s going to die off.

Anyways, the point I’m replying isn’t in trying to explain why making things identical to HLDM is a bad idea (because you seem fairly convinced of your position so I’m just wasting my breath), it’s because of this:

Do you realize how hypocritical this is? Seriously:

Seeing as I’m just a regular user here and not a moderator or something, it’s probably not my place to tell you this, but get off of your high horse. You want a skill-based, competitive multiplayer game? Fine, but don’t ruin things for the rest of us, please. :thumbdown:

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.