What xen creature would you keep as a pet?

I’m curious about what xen creature you would like to keep as an pet?
Exuding Nihilanth, Gargantua, Tentacle, Gonarch, Alien Aircraft, Vortigaunt, Alien Controller and Combine becouse of either to big or to smart to be a pet

I would have had a Houndeye as a pet.
I just think they are really cute. The only problem i would see as having a houndeye as a pet is that if someone annoys or irritates the houndeye it would cause some problems with everyone around.

What would you have?

I would pick a barnacle. They would be fun to feed and low maintenance. Also easy to clean up after if you just had a large bucket or a drain below…

Just remember to add a caution sign that say “Do not touch the rope”

a wild Alyx

if I have to play by the rules, maybe a wild itchyosaur, then I could fill the room with water and surprise anyone trying to rob my house with a room full of water and a giant alien fish.

A debeaked Kleiner, of course.

I’d want an Alien Aircraft because then I wouldn’t need to pay transit fees for the bus. Plus, it’d zap anything that tries to hurt me & it’s low-maintenance. I’d also want a bullsquid, since they’d make good guard monsters. The only problem with a bullsquid is that the slime would a pain to clean up.

Defineteley a bullsquid. :slight_smile:

I’d like to have a few of those light-stalks around. Even though they’re shy.

If healing water counts as a pet, then I would say the water. If not, I would have a barnacle

A houndeye.

I’d pull a Kleiner. Headcrabs FTW.

I’d go bullsquid, and call you to apologize when it gets out and eats your headcrab.

Giant space octopus, just for the WTF’s people would give me when it pokes out of the backyard.

Neurotoxins > bullsquid

Well if mod creatures are allowed I’d probably go for a Frostsquid or Devilsquid, but if not then I’d go get a Bullsquid, name it something that starts with an X because all pets with names that start with X are cool, then I’d ride him to victory.

The infamous teleportation cat, or at least a part of what remained of it.

A Houndeye! These are so damn cute that i explode when i see them, Literally.

A houndeye, or perhaps a chumtoad! Maybe both! :smiley: I’m pretty partial to houndeyes though. Plus if I could domesticate one, maybe it would protect me if I was attacked; whereas chumtoads seem fairly useless in that respect. XD If I got attacked it’d probably just sit there, sticking out its tongue as usual…

On the topic of guard animals, I can’t think of a better trespasser deterrent than a Mr. Friendly.

But really, I’m gonna have to agree with Chicken here, a (preferably no longer) poisonous headcrab would be the best thing to have come crawling out from under your couch when you’ve got friends over. The best conversation starter is one that also sends your guests screaming to the nearest lockable door.

What about those pad things the aliens had lying around everywhere that send you five stories up?

Best. Trampoline. Ever.

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