This is the answer
The reason we are alive?
It told the answer,not reason.
42? I still don’t understand why.
oh hello welcome to 2006
From Wikipedia:
So, OP honestly thought he was telling us something original, funny and totally new? Hell, I wasn’t even born when that first book was published!
Fuck you for not knowing that line from Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy (or the entire book for that matter) until now. Even when I didn’t know what Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy was I knew that line.
Fuck me?
Don’t even blame me about that. I’ve been in far east for 17 years.
East Asia! How many hitchhiker be in bookstore in east Asia!?!
Different place also mean different culture, and hence different book!!
So, Fuck yourself instead!
ps. [COLOR=‘Cyan’]Don’t so serious, pal. just wanna tell you what i think.
ps2. I know hitchhiker’s.
ps3. Now you can blame me about my english, if you want.
srs bsns
this for fucking ever
It’s not the answer to 2+2
you just divided by zero son
edit: did some research, apparently 42 isnt the answer to life, the universe, and everything, but rather the ultimate answer to the ultimate question about life, the universe, and everything. “what is 2+2” is not the question, the question is unknown
yeah. cham, i’ll be interested when you post a thread about the question
and jerry takes home the nobel peace prize
Life is just killing and sexing until you die.
How many roads must a man walk down?
That is all.
How many faggots can you stuff into a gaming forum?
What’s 6 times 7?
baby’s first sci-fi novel
holy shit i was just watching sixty symbols vids what the hell
coincidence? i think not!!!