What Gaben says


So he said there may or may not be another Half Life game, but customers will be happy

It’s incredible how much people will squeeze out of literally nothing.

It always makes me sad whenever I hear Gabe or someone else from Valve talk about how multiplayer and community-based stuff is all they want to do going forward. I don’t hate multiplayer games, but it feels like less and less of the worthwhile higher-budget games, especially FPS games, coming out are going for a properly executed and/or story-driven singleplayer experience, and I’ve always been more of a singleplayer guy.
I’m all for having a multiplayer component, but the ability to experience a story on my own is always going to be a big draw.

It also makes me sad hearing Gabe say that they’re not going to do “retro” stuff because they’ve learned a lot doing multiplayer stuff. I could be wrong, but it kind of sounds like he’s discounting that there’s either a) any value in singleplayer content, or b) the fact that new knowledge and technology doesn’t mean that older knowledge or tech has value.

I know a guy (in the same Uni game development program as me) who says that Doom has nothing to offer because we have Call of Duty now- never minding that Doom is still a blast to play, or that they’re completely different styles of play; To him, the newest thing is the only thing worthwhile, and there’s nothing to enjoy or learn from the past. I feel like that’s a really narrow, shallow mindset, thinking that there’s nothing worth learning from in history.

Remember what Adam Foster did with the Portal ARGs? That was all utilizing old tech - and it was awesome.

This literally just amounts to “We’ve learned stuff and will continue doing stuff,” which is what they’ve been telling us for years. Nothing more, nothing less. Just because Newell said it doesn’t make it significant in any capacity.

…It might just be that I’m too tired, but I really can’t draw any meaning from that quote. I hate doublespeak.

It wouldn’t piss me off so much if it weren’t for the damn EP2 cliffhanger. ;~;

I just interpreted it as: If you’re going to get HL3 sometime in the future don’t expect it to be like the jump between EP1 and EP2 but rather like the jump between Portal and Portal2. When they take so long, they have to make major improvements and redesigns, yet some people still want something like HL2 but with new Story (Basically what EP1 and EP2 have been)
I’m okay with them taking so long because it’s valve and what they’ll give us will be most likely something groundbreaking again. And its better than shitting out the same thing every year COD-Style.

Didn’t he say this more or less word-for-word a few years ago? All that stuff about “traditional single-player experiences”, I mean.

Yes, there was even that hilarious freak out where people thought Valve was never making a SP game again.

Well, they haven’t made an isolated single player game since the Orange Box. Portal 2 had co-op, Left 4 Dead/2 was built around it, Dota 2 is a MOBA, etc. Hell, even HL2’s retail release came with CSS packed in, so technically the only ACTUAL stand-alone release with no MP component would probably be Episode One. No wonder it’s my favorite…


What about Episode Two? Wasn’t that released on its own?

Nah, that was in the Orange Box. That had TF2 for multiplayer.

The Orange Box is not a game.

Honestly if they end up scrapping the Half Life series because they feel multiplayer is the future, they’re gonna piss off a LOT of people. Like pyro said (I think it was pyro) I would be ok without a final game if they hadn’t left Ep2 off like they did.

If they drop it, I hope a good company picks it up and finishes it, or a great group of people like our dev team on these forums. At least to finish the story.

The funny (or rather unfunny) thing about this, is the fact that people have been making their own endings for the ‘Episode’ series since at least 2009…


like gearbox

So what we have learned in short:

“Before we make HL3, we need to learn how to apply everything we have learned about Paid store with hats, Multiplayer and VR to the Half-Life series”

“So, without further ado, we present World of Half-life. A free MMORPG made by random people we pulled from Steam Greenlight, directed by that one guy from The War Z.”

I don’t ever want to see such filthy language come out of your keyboard again.

They better make it, or im going to go insane!

You are.
You know what that means.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.