What are you listening to?

Emperor - The Prophet

Carnifex - Entombed Monarch

I fuckin love shiropoint… that guy makes awesome remixes ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCCh742oMFw&list=PLJV73dZSLD6BLtRRzKaSFct5aZ-v-hMMQ

makes writing progress report and editing pictures less of a nightmare

I am thinking about deleting all my Pandora stations save one, because they all pale in comparison to the one I created just the other day that I cannot get enough of: Spawn a station off the artist “Danny Freakazoid” and have your face melt with awesomeness.

In my opinion, anyway.

Metroid Prime Title screen theme

Tallon Overworld Theme 2

Oh my god a liquid DnB mix! Thank you yrr, been looking for a good one for a while. Just what I need for the last few months of IB. Thanks!

Nightrage - Being Nothing

Haha, no problem ^^ I found the remix after looking for mixes of MLP songs (yeah, let the hate comments come, Idc). Make sure to look up Pinkie’s Party Cannon in the playlist also, the mixes themselves have nothing to do with MLP, just a little introduction before the actual music starts. Also check out B-Complex, a slovakian DnB Producer if you don’t know him already :stuck_out_tongue:

oh, b2t

Prezident - Menschenpyramiden

Azure Emote - Conduit of Atrophy

Melnitsa - Dorogi

I think this is one of my new favorite songs.

Havoc Unit - Man vs Flesh [Structured Suicide]

Disturbed - The Sickness

Current 93 - Falling Back in Fields of Rape

Always loved the whole album of The Wall.


One Man Army and the Undead Quartet - Mary’s Raising The Dead

Pantra - Primal Concrete Sledge

Have you seen the film? Used to be one of my favorites.
You can see the whole film on youtube

I am listening a lot to The Herbaliser these days. Generally discovering a lot of Ninja Tune stuff.

Big O remix

22 - Taylor Swift Cover by Eyal Amir

Wonderful cover that makes this song incredible.

I’ve been listening to a ton of Refused lately.

So here, have some Refused Party Program. Their concerts must have been fucking intense.

Turmion Kätilöt- Elävä koneeksi

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.