What are you listening to?

Paula Cole - Where Have All the Cowboys Gone

The Final Blow by aKu https://soundcloud.com/akuofficial/aku-the-final-blow

Chevelle’s new single: Take Out the Gunman


St Vincent - Krokodil

What genre would you guys call this? I just realized it existed and don’t know what to put it under since it’s so different from what she normally does.

Oh, my mind went to a completely different Krokodil.

Black Light Discipline - Under The Knife


Salt The Wounds - Cash On Delivery (can’t wait for them to release a fourth album)
Rose Funeral - Left To Rot

St Vincent - Huey Newton

American Head Charge - Stature

Assault on Dark Athena - ElectroNobody

Sofy Bullets - Seven Fingers (in pyjamas)

The vocal songs were the only good part of this game.

The level BGM had some good tunes, too. My standouts were stuff like Death Ruins, Lava Shelter, Cosmic Fall, etc.

At least on YouTube I don’t have to put up with FIND THE COMPUTER ROOM every two seconds…

Pianos Become the Teeth - Sleepshaker

I never even bother getting to cosmic fall in the normal game, though. Because it requires that I play through Lost Impact, the worst stage in the game (srsly fuk dat stage)

Blut aus Nord - Tetraktys

Two Cellos

Oh man Two Cellos is awesome. So much energy.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.