What are you listening to?

Death Cab for Cutie - Something About Airplanes (full album)


at work right now, listening to Spotify, got Dropkick Murphys playing right now.
the song is called Surrender.

You know, this combat music for stalker ain’t half bad


Don’t know why I never turned it on.

Adrian Von Zielger - Blood Wolf

Got banned for a week and suddenly I’ve developed a deep appreciation for Celtic music.

Natural Snow Buildings - Dead Horses

Cut Copy - Glittering Clouds

Woah, I was just listening to his playlist on YouTube a few nights ago.

Celtic music has always been an interest of mine. I’ve been in the grips of a folk metal binge for the past few months, but I’m very selective when it comes to what I like. Right now, Eluveitie is probably my favorite folk metal band. But Arkona can be pretty cool too. Which is what I’m listening to right now.

Arkona - Slovo - Odna

Sevendust - Picture Perfect

Five Finger Death Punch - Lift Me Up

Five Finger Death Punch - Under And Over It

Gotta love metal.

lol implying sevendust is metal

You called that metal? This is metal.

This is, too.

That’s pretty good, I’m check that band’s rest of the album out from that song right now.

What is with the long lead ins? GET WITH THE METAL ALREADY!!!

Genres differ between people y’know. :wink: What you consider metal may be a hard rock to me and vise-versa. And who said I was referring to Sevendust when I said it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Classic Metal (kinda) <-- I have yet to find a un-fucking-censored version of this, it’s starting to annoy me.

More Metal.

Nothing right now, but earlier I had way too many tabs open, and one of them was YT repeat with this playing.

Nobody said it had to be music…

The Mayan Factor - In Lake’ Ch - Warflower

Atrium Carceri - Phrenitis

Len - Steal My Sunshine

Gowns - Subside

Hail of Bullets - Berlin

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