^ive been listening to a lot of their stuff recently. Most of it’s been from Release The Panic.
Currently, I’m listening to Damage Inside by Machinehead, from Bloodstones and Diamonds (their newest album)
People have different ideas of what “heavy” means. Doom and sludge are “heavy” I think. Black metal is my favorite though. I don’t know if it’s heavy but powerviolence sure is loud.
Aye true. Tastes are subjective. Mostly I want heavy guitar and an understandable (but slightly screaming) voice. 5FDP is about as deep as I can stand at the moment (doesn’t mean I’m not willing to try other things).
Some noise rock is like that. Try Daughters.
More extreme metal like black metal (and sludge to a certain extent) and powerviolence (which is more an extension of hardcore punk than metal) don’t really have understandable vocals.
I’m not gonna be that guy that says taste is subjective.
I’ll be the guy that links what he thinks is heavier and louder (if you’re willing to crank it loud enough).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O8cMWstQjCw (give it a minute to kick in)
Close to my tastes Tiki, but it needs to be heavier with the guitar.
Daughters isn’t really up my alley from what I listened to the song you posted Kairouseki. It’ll become overly complex if I discuss my tastes. lol
Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll look around for some other bands.
I dunno how heavy you want, but Machineheads newest album and many of their old ones are excellent and fairly heavy.
Listening to Sleater-Kinney’s new album. Just like Belle and Sebastian, the single they released didn’t really do anything for me (though the second one was good) but I’m really enjoying the album as a whole.
Disco Biscuits - Spaga (live)
Agreed that “heavy” is entirely subjective and not bound to certain genres… I heard neo-folk that made the impression of “heavy” on me.
Nagelfar - Virus West, the full album, have to buy it to complete my collection.
afterwards… Antonin Dvorák - Slavonic Dance no 8
I got Banks - Goddess and so far I’m enjoying it.
The Ex - Frenzy