What are you listening to?

Run Lola Run - Running Two

They are great musicians, but I can’t stand their song writing. They have a few tracks that have some good moments, but then they follow up those parts with more boring.

Dvorak, New World Symphony 2nd Movement

Severe Torture - Fight Something

Muslimgauze - Hudood Ordinance

This is very very different from the first Muslimgauze album I listened to.

Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness

Everyday Netsky Remix - Rusko

Chevelle - The Fad

This song is up there with my all time favorites. Or maybe it’s just the nostalgia glasses talking.

Hozier’s debut album’s alright. Some songs I don’t personally like, but the ones that are good are really good.

Been listening to Carpenter Bruts new EP.

Ah man I was about to post something similar, I’ve been listening Turbo Killer. Going straight into GTA V PC once its out

Listening to Bjork’s new album. Hot damn is it good.

Saint Motel - My Type. Disco is back, baby.

Failure of Milk - Greave the Ship

Drowning Pool - One Finger And A Fist

I ordered MØ - No Mythologies to Follow just before Christmas and it arrived a couple days ago. I’d say it’s well worth it so far.

youtube.com/watch?x-yt-cl=8 … 82837#t=74
FYER- The Lost Ft. Aloma Steele

FYER is a duo between Skrillex’s brother (talented family…) and a really gifted instrumentalist. Their music, while partially electronic, features awesome guitar and sax instrumentals and amazing vocals.

Muslimgauze - Return of Black September

So this album is listed as 5 songs on the CD but the CD isn’t actually split into separate songs. Pretty weird.

^This is what I’m listening to.

Founded in 2004, Leakfree.org became one of the first online communities dedicated to Valve’s Source engine development. It is more famously known for the formation of Black Mesa: Source under the 'Leakfree Modification Team' handle in September 2004.