What are you listening to?

So I know metal is pretty popular on here but does anyone listen to any form of electronic music and could recommend me some cool stuff from there to listen to?

Amon Tobin


Anything by them. Amon has great range, he’s gone from sampling '20s jazz to ants walking on tinfoil and everything in between. Celldweller loads his music with tons of shit and goes between genres like it’s nobody’s business.

You’ve probably heard of at least half of these, but there’s no harm in making sure you’ve heard of them. It would be criminal to miss some. These are according to my digital taste, so it is important to note that they are not all purely electronic.

“…you were 20,000 underneath the sea, waving affections.”
(The Blow)
I only heard this song, for the first time, tonight. I loved it. I am not yet confident enough to recommend an album.

“And I have learned that even landlocked lovers yearn for the sea like navy men.”
(Death Cab for Cutie)
A very prolific band I have only scratched the surface of. I like what I hear. Much of their music is not electronic, per se, but you are bound to like it all. The album “Plans” is superb.

“We’ll have that movie-kiss we talked about.”
(Her Space Holiday)
This artist wavers between melancholy, depression, optimism, and nostalgia. Start with album “The Young Machines” to get yourself hooked, and work your way out from there. He features a lot of string-instruments.

“I kissed you in a style Clark Gable would have admired; I thought it classic.”
(The Postal Service)
If you’re into electronic music and you haven’t heard of The Postal Service, I feel sorry for you. “Give Up” is one of the best albums of all time.

“It’s a hot night, too hot to play it cool.”
(Ghostland Observatory)
This is the only song to have made me dance. Give albums “Paparazzi Lightning” and “Codename Rondo” a spin. Very diverse for what boils down to eighties-sounding electronic party-music.

“Maybe I’m a different breed.”
You’ve heard this one before, but the album “Megalithic Symphony” is definitely worth listening to front-to-back. Awolnation is not a one-hit-wonder by any stretch.

“Lovingly rearrange the thoughts that make you blue”
(Massive Attack)
I use this song as a bass-tester. If it doesn’t give you a stiffy, then your audio system must not be up to par. Anyway, grab the album “100th Window”. If you like what you hear, fan out from there.

“Leave your conflict, leave your strife; bring an open mind.”
(The Shanghai Restoration Project)
True to their name, they are an electronic celebration of some old jazz sounds which originated in Shanghai. So get their titular album “The Shanghai Restoration Project”, along with “Story of a City”. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of modern twist on the idea.

“Demand more than the factory software, I don’t care, I want to be smarter and stronger and live longer.”
(Dr. Steel)
A fair fraction of his work is synthesized, although there are elements of heavy instrumentation in certain songs. This being said, get all three of his albums (“Dr. Steel”, “Dr. Steel II: Eclectic Boogaloo”, and “People of Earth”). They retrace a wonderful story of a robot-obsessed toymaker’s descent to insanity and ascent to world domination.

“I have tried so many times, I know I’ll never feel that way.”
(Falling For a Square)
This is a majestic song. You might have trouble locating music by this artist. Are you hip enough for the challenge?

(The Dust Brothers)
The soundtrack for movie Fight Club involves a great deal of interesting electronic vibes which I recommend.

<Here’s an obscure chip-tune in case my previous suggestions were not electronic enough for you.>

Billy Joel - Piano Man

Prelude to War - Bear McCreary - Battlestar Galactica: Season 2 Original Soundtrack

I’ve been on a serious taiko drum kick lately.

Louis Philippe - The Orchard

Kairou, I need that. Where did you get it? Please don’t tell me you are just streaming it from YouTube…

Portal - Curtain

Nah I have a few of his albums downloaded. Try Soulseek.

Major Parkinson - Impermanence

One of few bands I’ve found good that Spotify’s radio feature have introduced to me through the years. That feature really isn’t as great as they try to imply it is.

For you who don’t know, Spotify’s radio feature lets you create a “radio channel” based on a song, artist or band of your liking. The idea is that it will be filled with songs and artists within the same genre and general style as what it’s based on. This is far from the truth, at least in my case. I often find myself skipping track after track to find something that I can listen to.

EDIT: Shall be noted that it gave me this song in a channel based on this song: Skambankt - Min eliksir, which I wouldn’t call close.

Evanescence - Wake Me Up Inside

Lady Gaga - Born This Way.
Rammstein - Live Aus Berlin.

Jefuel - Hades County Line

Finally found this album somewhere other than streaming on Myspace.

Gemini Syndrome - Pleasure and Pain

Led Zeppelin I and II new 2-CD Remastered Editions. WOW ! JPage knows what he’s doing!

Bring on Led Zeppelin IV Zofo - their best work. Available in the Fall 2014.

Nostalgia kicking me in the balls again with the best damn song I’ve heard in the last forevers.

Are you old enough to experience nostalgia? I didn’t have real nostalgia till I was like 18 and revisited all the childhood shit I played wayyy back in the day.

I guess it doesn’t matter how old you are haha I just always thought nostalgia required you to age and mature a lot and then look back on many years xD

Slipknot - The Devil In I

Himsa - With Hooks As Hands
Kataklysm - Open Scars

Fantômas - Suspended Animation Full Album
The title track list are in the video description.

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