What are you listening to?

The Fiery Furnaces - Blueberry Boat

Slipknot - (Sic)

Well, it’s been almost eleven years since I first played it, I suppose I hadn’t exactly stopped for all those years, but I still remember my experiences with that weird tunnel-vision of how unobservant I was of the world around me back then…even as far as fifth or sixth grade.

As for music…Rebirth soundtrack so gooooood

Eh fair enough.

I’ve been list sing to this Hellen Jane Long lady. She’s a pianist. If anyone likes piano music with violins, I’d suggest you listen to a couple of hers.

Here’s one I just finished:

Bjork - Bachelorette

Tiamat - Until the Hellhounds Sleep Again

Rapeman - Two Nuns and a Packmule (Full Album)

Sometimes I wonder where you guys find this music

Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick Remastered … older great goodness.

Related bands, looking up artists in genres that I like.

SAGA, the 3-Disc COLLECTION . . . . . the BEST[/SIZE] Canadian band that wasn’t.

In Flames - Trigger

Metallica - The Unforgiven

The Pains of Being Pure At Heart - Young Adult Friction

Oranssi Pazuzu - Uraanisula

Jedi Mind Tricks - Speech Cobras

Atreyu - Doomsday

Sleater-Kinney - Jumpers

I like. Whenever I need a new song to just rock out hardcore to, I go here and look for TGP’s posts.

I’m listening to Devil in I by Slipknot again. Mannnn what a fucking video.

Alt-J - Nara

Awesome new album.

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