What are you listening to?

Saga’s newest album SagaCity, and to maintain the effect, their recent earlier releases. Can’t beat it, if this is the kind of music you like.

Besides M.Sadler’s welcomed stellar vocals, Ian Crichton’s long standing superior lead guitar licks are, as usual, superior. Considering this guys continued LONG standing superior guitar workmanship, he needs to be voted into the R’n’R hall o fame. It’ll happen hopefully, it’s just a matter of time.

A Canadian band that had to relocate to Europe (predominantly Germany) to establish themselves as a major player within their music genre.

I’ve just slipped a Genesis compilation collection into my player… next up is Don Henley, Inside Job Live.

Dethklok - Hatredcopter

Chevelle - Jawbreaker

Chevelle - Sleep Apnea

Hell - The Age of Nefarious

Nonpoint - Breaking Skin

Master of the Universe by Sick Puppies

Sky Eats Airplane - The Opposite Viewed In Real Time
Volumes - Edge Of The Earth

Bullet For My Valentine - Waking The Demon

Impaled Nazarene – For Those Who Have Fallen

Philip Glass - Koyaanisqatsi (all of it)

Bullet For My valentine - Tears Don’t Fall (Part 2)

Halford, Live Insurrection. If any of you guys are into Metal, go listen to that album immediately. It’ll beat pretty much anything else. Halford truly is the Metal God.

Catamenia–Tuhat Vuotta

“И мы в то время будем жить”
(And we will live in that time)

The Avalanches - Electricity

Power Plant - Bionic Commando Rearmed Soundtrack

Her Space Holiday

The Greatest Autoharp Solo Of All Time

^ Generally I have a hatred of festive music, but that isn’t all that bad.

Audioslave - Doesn’t Remind Me

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