You can still buy HL anthology (HL1, OP4, BS and TF) for 15$ on steam. It’s not that much for a great game and it’s (non canon ?) expansions.
You mean ‘Non-Confirmed content’ expansions.
How the HELl DID i Miss It?
Too much time spent on the BM forums?
(Or not enough time spent reading Steam news posts.)
Probably both …
Half-Life: Anthology is a misnomer when the inclusion of TF is considered. It’s really totally meaningless to the Half-Life series, entertaining though it may be.
It’s just a way of getting people to get TF2, really. It’s not like it costs them much to hand TF in the package
TFC came with Half-Life anthologies/packs/retail boxes long before TF2 was released. Indeed, before HL2 was released.
It came bundled with the HL 1.009 patch back in 1999, hence its inclusion in the aforementioned anthologies.
I confirm.
That’s right, I remember now.
I got TFC with the HL game of the year edition. Kept waiting for TF2 to be released, but it never did and then it randomly popped back up as a cartoony version after like forever.
Yeah I thought the cartoony look wasn’t too good at first. but then i started to play it and its fun now.
[COLOR=‘Red’]Stop spamming and get on topic.
[COLOR=‘Red’]raw_bean: That is not an on-topic post. Have an infraction.
^thank you my good sir.i just wanted to keep my running gag running
Back on topic: When you fonaly reach the surface, (Where your getting the shit bombed outta ya) will the screen just shake like crazy or will dust particles fly aftaer each bomb hits or what’ll happen?